Financial due diligence is key to enabling informed decisions about proposed investments or divestments. The FDD exercise supports sellers, buyers and providers of finance by enhancing knowledge about the financial performance of a business.
The guideline mainly focuses on deals in the UK and continental Europe, but touches on how practice varies in the US and emerging markets.
It also highlights other areas of due diligence and how FDD may interact with them.
This guideline is primarily focused on FDD in the context of an M&A or debt financing transaction, although many of the principles apply to FDD in the context of a public market transaction.
On 22 October the Corporate Finance Faculty held an event to mark the launch of our new guide, Financial Due Diligence. We were joined by leaders of the UK's corporate finance community to discuss how financial due diligence is developing to support more complex and demanding investment decisions.
This Corporate Finance Faculty guideline, authored by experienced specialists from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, UK, sets out best practice for FDD on both sell-side and buy-side transactions.