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Mergers and acquisitions

Read our guidelines and reports on the latest trends and developments in mergers and acquisitions including key intellectual property rights, emerging issues in valuation, financial modelling , business acquisitions and completion mechanisms.

IP in M&A – legal considerations, Issue 62

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This guideline identifies key intellectual property (IP) rights and comments on how such rights should be considered in the context of M&A transaction and contractual protections. It also addresses IP transfer and integration.

Contemporary valuation issues in deals, Issue 66

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Valuation is critical within deals and a key part of the decision-making process. This guideline seeks to shed light on emerging valuation issues that practitioners will encounter on deals involving businesses in pre-, during- and post-deal environments.

Financial Modelling, Issue 63

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This 2nd edition is a practical guide to financial modelling in a corporate finance transaction context. That rider is important. The guide is aimed at corporate financiers and modellers who need to prepare, use or review financial models for deals; it is not aimed at financial modellers who need to develop their understanding of corporate finance.

Acquiring a business, Issue 60

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This guideline addresses some of the key considerations associated with the process of acquiring a private business. Additional constraints apply when the acquisition of a publicly-quoted company is considered.

UK television in focus

Corporate Finance Faculty 18-08-2016

PwC forecast that the global television market will be work $325bn in revenues by 2020. This ICAEW/PwC report outlines how innovative digital technologies, fast-changing consumer trends and international M&A are transforming TV.