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Corporate Finance Faculty member organisations


At Buzzacott we define ourselves by the needs of our clients.

These needs range from those of nuns to those of hedge fund managers. The relationships we build are both personal and enduring. They are founded on continuity of personnel, ease of access and a depth of specialist knowledge that in certain key areas leads the industry.

That knowledge, gained through front-line experience as well as individual training, is applied by “specialist teams” who combine niche expertise in international and regulation-intensive sectors – expatriates, charities, LLPs - with excellence in mainstream tax and financial management services. The quality of their advice explains Buzzacott’s growing reputation.

We have over 330 staff working with 30 partners in specialist teams. Being under one roof is a real advantage because we can communicate with each other easily, work co-operatively and provide a full service to our clients.

Faculty Contact:

Matt Katz, Partner, Head of Corporate Finance

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