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Webinars and recordings

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Community webinars

Event Date Recording
Valuing highly leveraged shares for financial reporting purposes
This webinar will provide a comprehensive review of valuing highly leveraged shares for financial reporting purposes.
28 November 2024 Listen again
Dealing with high growth
In this session Andrew Strickland discusses dealing with high growth.
13 November 2024 Listen again
The Gordon Growth Model
In this session Andrew Strickland discusses the Gordon Growth mode.
13 November 2024 Listen again
Income approach to valuation
In this session Andrew Strickland looks at the income approach to valuation.
13 November 2024 Listen again
Valuation Conference 2024
Get the latest sector specific insights, knowledge and thought leadership at our annual conference.
19 September 2024 Listen again
Valuing intangible assets – what you need to know
Learn method you can use to value intangible assets.
6 June 2024
Listen again
Global megatrends – what you need to know
The 4 megatrends and how they will impact economies, businesses, and societies over the next decade.
2 May 2024
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Active and passive investments
Our 'Introduction to Valuation' series continues with another instalment from Andrew Strickland. In this session Andrew looks at the relative merits of active and passive investment and what that tells us about the market price.
17 April 2024
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International Valuation Standards (IVS): What do the January updates include?
Learn about the latest updates and revisions to the IVS.
20 March 2024
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What is the market price?
Another session in our 'Introduction to Valuation' series. In this session, Andrew considers the nature of the market price of shares in public companies and what it tells us about value.
6 March 2024
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The difference between primary and secondary markets
In the first of our 'Introduction to Valuation' series, Andrew Strickland, Consultant, Scrutton Bland, provides an introductory session into some of the mechanics within the operation of the various world stock markets.
1 February 2024
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How does climate impact on valuations?
This webinar explores how climate impacts valuations and what you need to be aware of when making decisions.
22 November 2023
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Valuing a small company: SME valuation trends and influences
Explore the ins and outs of valuing small businesses with MarktoMarket Valuations Ltd.
8 November 2023
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The implementation of the independent review of real estate valuations – what does it mean for you?
This webinar will give a breakdown of The Valuation Report and how this impacts the public, especially in future-proofing practices in relation to the valuation of real estate assets for investment purposes.
26 October 2023
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Shareholder dispute valuations
Andrew Strickland will look at section 994 Companies Act cases that have been reported over the last four years.
28 September 2023
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The different approaches and risks to valuing crypto
HM Treasury recently announced that they are setting out plans to regulate cryptoassets and better protect consumers and businesses. As is common in emerging technology markets, the crypto sector continues to experience high levels of volatility, exposing vulnerabilities of business models in the sector.
So, what are the risks and challenges when valuing cryptoassets? Hear from two our two expert speakers regarding the risks and challenges when valuing crypto.
8 June 2023 Listen again
Valuation in divorce: 2023 update
During this webinar Andrew and Luke will explore the developments that have taken place since 2020. They will cover quasi-partnership concepts, the challenges of applying hindsight to valuations, special valuations requests, the special language used as well as reflected in recent real-life cases.
18 May 2023 Listen again
The Expert in Court
During this webinar we explore the developments that have taken place since 2020 and look at when experts carry out their duties well and not so well. The cases cover various disciplines but are all centred on the heavy responsibility that comes with the power that is wielded by the expert witness. With the privilege of being able to give opinion evidence comes the requirement for the highest professional standards.
28 March 2023
Listen again
Discount rates in a high inflationary environment
In our first Valuation webinar of 2023, Nick Forrest, UK Economics Consulting Leader, PwC, examines interest and exchange rate changes, market behaviour, and future projections.
24 February 2023
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Growth Share Valuations – an update
This will be of benefit to anyone who deals with growth share valuations as our speakers will review a number of ways to consider the value of these shares for fiscal and other purposes.
1 March 2022
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Fiscal Valuations: 10 years of court cases
Lessons that can be drawn from various valuation cases that have been decided since 2010.
3 December 2021
Listen again
How technology can radically streamline and measurably improve the Business Valuation process
Join Paul Resch, CEO and Founder of Valutico, a web-based valuations platform, for a discussion on advancements in tech when it comes to conducting business valuations.
14 October 2021 Listen again
Employment related securities (incl. EMIS scheme)
In this webinar Luke Morris and Andrew Strickland looked at some of the valuation issues that arise from employment related securities. including the concepts of “money’s worth”, “market value”, “actual market value” and “unrestricted market value”.
10 August 2021 Listen again
Manufacturing  property plan and equipment
This webinar explores the contemporary issues faced within the manufacturing industry when valuing Plant & Equipment (“P&E”). We examine the key reasons for undertaking valuations and the principle issues that affect asset values.
16 July 2021 Listen again
Valuation of Pharma companies post Covid
The pharmaceutical industry is an important sector in the UK especially in recent times. In this webinar where our speakers provided a comprehensive review of issues relating value, provide case studies as well as examine and explain key issues.
28 June 2021 Listen again
The critical role of valuations in Restructuring Plans
In this webinar our speakers Mike Jervis, Emma Patten, Jacqueline Chow and Niek Koning from PwC discussed the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, in particular focusing on how traditional valuations will interact with CIGA 2020, noting the challenges of doing so in the uncertain and volatile environment caused by COVID-19.
27 May 2021 Listen again
The impact of Covid-19 on hotel valuations
During this webinar, our speakers Russell Kett FRICS, Chairman – London, HVS and Bob Silk, Relationship Director, Hospitality & Leisure Team, Barclays Bank PLC, provided a comprehensive review of issues affecting hotel value, provide case studies as well as examine and explain key issues.
21 April 2021 Listen again
Goodwill and impairment assessments in the current climate – hints, trends and pitfalls
This webinar is for anybody who needs to perform or review an impairment assessment. Hear how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes, and learn how to adjust cashflows and discount rates for the impact of Covid-19.
15 December 2020 Listen again
Models used for calculating illiquidity
In this webinar Andrew Strickland discussed the data on restricted stocks issued by US public companies, the implicit discounts for lack of marketability and various models that have been developed to compute the illiquidity discount.  
12 November 2020   Listen again 
Valuation in divorce
In this webinar our speakers discuss the series of challenges valuers face when a family run business has been put through the family courts following a divorce.
14 October 2020 Listen again
Minorities and other discounts for family companies
Valuing a family business can be difficult, especially when fractional interests are involved. Andrew Strickland of Scrutton Bland uses court cases and other sources to examine discounts for lack of marketability and control and the challenges some of these valuation techniques present.
9 June 2020 Listen again
Portfolio valuations and Covid-19: applying IPEV guidelines
Listen to this webinar to hear how the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Guidelines (IPEVCG) should be applied by valuers in performing valuations for private capital investments.
26 May 2020 Listen again
The Expert in Court
During this webinar Andrew Strickland, Consultant, Scrutton Bland examines various aspects of the expert in Court and provides insights into how that experience can go well, and how it can go horribly wrong.
7 April 2020 Listen again
Valuing a company's shares following unfairly prejudicial conduct
A discussion on how to value a company's shares following alleged unfair prejudice by examining recent cases and drawing out some of the valuation lessons.
25 November 2019 Listen again
Bank of England’s Ragveer Brar discusses the importance of valuation to financial stability
Valuation Standards to financial stability, and explains why the Bank of England is involved in efforts to establish international standards for the valuation of financial instruments.
25 October 2019 Listen again
Valuation Community Conference 2018  Growth in uncertain times
This conference provides essential updates for valuation practitioners and considers a range of issues which are impacting value drivers for both SMEs and large businesses using case studies from retail and hospitality.
6 November 2018 Listen again
Business valuers in court
This webinar explores and explains some of the bases of valuation which have been codified in the International Valuation Standards 2017.
12 July 2018 Listen again
Asset values
This webinar, held in conjunction with the ICAEW Energy & Natural Resources Community, will explore and explain the valuation of assets, consider their impairment, and relevant reporting, management and control of these valuations.
3 July 2018 Listen again

Webinar slides
Key considerations when valuing a renewable energy project
During this webinar you learn which financial and technical aspects should be carefully considered as part of valuing a renewable energy project.
16 May 2018 Listen again

Webinar slides
Professor Aswath Damodaran on valuations
ICAEW were proud to host Professor Aswath Damodaran at Chartered Accountants’ Hall. Professor Damodaran, often hailed as the ‘Guru of Valuations’, presented his unique views on a variety of technical and practical aspects of valuation. 
9 March 2018  Listen again 

Other webinars

Event Date Recording
Valuation, property and estate
Join us for our first Healthcare Community webinar of 2025. Our speakers will discuss the valuation of properties and estates, as well as the complexities of owning and running a healthcare property.
11 February 2025 Listen again
Forensic & Expert Witness Conference 2024
Get the latest sector specific insights, knowledge and though leadership at our annual conference
12 November 2024
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Business rates update
The impact of recent changes to business rates on current business operations.
5 March 2024
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Valuing hotels – insurers vs. accountants and what is market value
Explore the various factors affecting the way that hotels are valued.
8 February 2024
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Forensic & Expert Witness Conference 2023
A virtual day for UK forensic accountants and expert witnesses with a broad programme covering key issues affecting the expert community, the latest developments in crypto-asset investigations and providing essential legal and technical updates.
14 November 2023
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Company valuation: how to choose peers and multiples with Valutico
Discover how to accurately value businesses using smart peer and transaction selection.
7 September 2023
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How to value a business with digital tools
Valutico joins us to deliver an informative session on how using new and updated digital technology can deliver accurate results for valuing a business. Our specialists will walk you through how to value a small business from start-to-finish including key insights on the steps involved.
20 April 2023
Listen again
Masterclass: How to Value Companies – From Basic to Expert in 30 Minutes
Business Valuation, Valuations for Accounting, Tax & Audit, Audits of Fair Value Measurements (FVM), Business Valuation Methods.
19 October 2022 Listen again
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