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Displaying 1-32 of 32 results
Board leadership
- 2024
- Richard Leblanc (Editor)
- Handbook of Board Governance
Explores the practical realities of corporate governance in public, private, and not-for-profit environments. Part 10 looks at various aspects of leadership from chair of the board and board subcommittees and gives role descriptions of both, as well as leadership guidance and a checklist for directors.
Financial governance
- 2024
- Richard Leblanc (Editor)
- Wiley
- Handbook of Board Governance
Explores the practical realities of corporate governance in public, private, and not-for-profit environments. Part 5 looks at the audit committee's oversight of external audit, internal audit, risk management, technology and cybersecurity. Also covered are directors' responsibilities towards insolvency, fraud and financial reporting issues (mostly related to IFRS).
Corporate governance handbook
- 2017
- Bernadette Barber | Barbara Allen
- ICSA Publishing
The ICSA Corporate Governance Handbook provides full explanations of the statutory and regulatory regime applicable to listed companies but also,addresses how governance best practice might be applied by private companies, including subsidiaries.
Executive directors
- 2017
- ICSA Publishing
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Corporate Governance Handbook
Chapter 12 - The role of the executive director, chief executive and finance director are outlined as well as director remuneration and the roles and responsibilities of the remuneration committee. Pay, pensions and other benefits, disclosure requirements, contracts and severance are also covered.
Directors' duties and liabilities
- 2017
- ICSA Publishing
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Corporate Governance Handbook
Chapter 4 looks at the directors' duties in common law, statutory duties, disqualification, liability for breach of duties and Directors and Officers Insurance.
Company secretary's handbook (11th edition)
- 2016
- Douglas Armour
- ICSA Publishing
An authoritative guide to company secretarial practice. Detailed commentary is accompanied by over 80 precedents. The 5th edition of this title is available through our Ebook Central subscription.
- 2016
- Douglas Armour
- ICSA Publishing
- Company Secretarys Handbook
An authoritative guide to company secretarial practice. Detailed commentary is accompanied by over 80 precedents. Chapter 6 of the handbook looks at directors and related procedures - types of directors, their role, responsibilities and liabilities, appointment and removal of.
Directors' meetings and resolutions
- 2016
- Douglas Armour
- ICSA Publishing
- Company Secretarys Handbook
An authoritative guide to company secretarial practice. Detailed commentary is accompanied by over 80 precedents. Chapter 9 of the handbook - Directors' meetings and resolutions - looks at procedures around appointment of committees, board meetings minutes and the role of the company secretary in relation.
Good boardroom practice: a guide for directors and company secretaries
- 2016
- Douglas Armour
- ICSA Publishing
- Company Secretarys Handbook
An authoritative guide to company secretarial practice. Detailed commentary is accompanied by over 80 precedents. Appendix 3 - Good boardroom practice: a guide for directors and company secretaries
Director's duties and liabilities
- 2016
- Brian Coyle
- ICSA Publishing
An essential source of reference and route map for the position of Non-executive director. Contains case studies and checklists throughout. Chapter 2 covers directors' duties and liabilities and looks at reviewing personal risk and reducing potential liability and includes a checklist: reducing the risk of personal liability.
Business Law 8th edition
- 2016
- Ewan MacIntyre
- Pearson
- Business Law
Guide to the legal principles that apply to business. Aimed at non-law students.
Non-executive director's handbook 4th edition
- 2016
- Brian Coyle
- ICSA Publishing
An essential source of reference and route map for the position of Non-executive director. Contains case studies and checklists throughout.
Governance of information technology
- 2016
- Bob Zukis, Elizabeth Valentine, Steven De Haes, Greg Timbrell
- John Wiley & Son
- Handbook of Board Governance
This title provides comprehensive, expert-led coverage of all aspects of corporate governance for public, nonprofit, and private boards. This section comprises two chapters: Information technology and cyber security in a digital world and; The board's role in the governance of enterprise information and technology.
The role of the board in risk management oversight
- 2016
- John R.S. Fraser
- John Wiley & Son
- Handbook of Board Governance
This title provides comprehensive, expert-led coverage of all aspects of corporate governance for public, nonprofit, and private boards. This chapter looks role of the board in risk management oversight, usually by the audit committee or by establishing a separate risk committee.
Governance of sustainability: board's changing role
- 2016
- Yilmaz Arguden, Douglas Y. Park, Alice Korngold, John M. Holcomb
- John Wiley & Son
- Handbook of Board Governance
This title provides comprehensive, expert-led coverage of all aspects of corporate governance for public, nonprofit, and private boards. This section contains four chapters on sustainability and the board role in it.
The duties and liabilities of directors - getting the balance right
- 2016
- Roger Barker
- John Wiley & Son
- Handbook of Board Governance
This title provides comprehensive, expert-led coverage of all aspects of corporate governance for public, nonprofit, and private boards. This chapter considers why directors legal duties and obligations are necessary with reference to the legal systems of the UK, US and Germany and assesses if these duties translate into material personal liabilities for board members and whether the correct balance is being struck between the two competing considerations.
Corporate insolvency
- 2013
- Sophie Taylor | Claire Mowbray
- ICSA Publishing
A guide to the main legislative provisions relating to corporate insolvency in England and Wales. The issues that directors of companies in financial difficulty need to take into account are also considered.
Dividend payments
- 2013
- William Buckley | Lucy Fergusson | Vonetta Dale | Philippa Gavey
- ICSA Publishing
It is important for directors and company secretaries to be aware of the complex procedural rules and legal restrictions on paying dividends. This eBook looks at the steps involved in paying dividends and the rules that restrict the amounts companies can pay out.
Boardroom disputes
- 2013
- Rowena Herdman-Smith | Kevin McCarthy | Saul Sender
- ICSA Publishing
Unless a board is very small and/or cohesive, it is likely that disagreements will occur at some point between the various board members. This guide assists boards in navigating the various potential stages of a dispute and highlights the various legal considerations to bear in mind when considering what action to take.
Directors' disclosures
- 2013
- Carol Shutkever | Sarah Hawes
- ICSA Publishing
This guide provides an overview of the provisions relating to the disclosure of information about the directors of a UK-incorporated company. It gives a summary of the relevant law and regulation impacting on listed companies (both Main Market and AIM), but is also of relevance for UK private companies.
Director's guide 5th edition
- 2013
- Martha Bruce
- ICSA Publishing
The ICSA Director's Guide explains all the core duties and liabilities of being a director from appointment to resignation, including disclosures, shareholder relations and corporate governance.
Director's guide (5th edition)
- 2013
- Martha Bruce
- ICSA Publishing
The ICSA Director's Guide explains all the core duties and liabilities of being a company director from appointment to resignation, including disclosures, shareholder relations and corporate governance.
Fundamentals about directors
- 2013
- Martha Bruce
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Directors Guide
The ICSA Director's Guide explains all the core duties and liabilities of being a director from appointment to resignation, including disclosures, shareholder relations and corporate governance. Chapter 1 details the basics of the role of director, including who can be appointed and how, different types of directors, due diligence, induction and training and remuneration
- 2013
- Martha Bruce
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Directors Guide
The ICSA Director's Guide explains all the core duties and liabilities of being a director from appointment to resignation, including disclosures, shareholder relations and corporate governance. Chapter 11 discusses the statutory duties that directors have to stakeholders other than the shareholders. These include employees, the environment, customers and creditors.
Health and Safety
- 2013
- Martha Bruce
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Directors Guide
The ICSA Director's Guide explains all the core duties and liabilities of being a director from appointment to resignation, including disclosures, shareholder relations and corporate governance. Chapter 10 gives an overview of the director's responsibility for the health and safety in a company.
Financial accounts
- 2013
- Martha Bruce
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Directors Guide
The ICSA Director's Guide explains all the core duties and liabilities of being a director from appointment to resignation, including disclosures, shareholder relations and corporate governance. Chapter 9 looks at the director's responsibility in terms a company's accounts.
Directors' disclosures
- 2013
- Carol Shutkever, Sarah Hawes
- ICSA Publishing
Overview of the disclosure requirements for directors of a UK-incorporated company.
Corporate insolvency
- 2013
- Sophie Taylor, Claire Mowbray
- ICSA Publishing
Looks at the law of corporate insolvency in England and Wales.
Company director's desktop guide
- 2007
- David Martin
- Thorogood
A practical guide for company directors.
Finance director's handbook
- 2007
- Glynis Morris | Sonia McKay | Andrea Oates
- CIMA Publishing
Guide to the duties of modern finance directors.
501 questions and answers for company directors and company secretaries
- 2005
- Roger Mason
- Thorogood
Basic company information for the benefit of directors and company secretaries.
Directors' dilemmas: tales from the frontline
- 2005
- Patrick Dunne
- Kogan Page
A book of practical guidance for company directors.
Displaying 1-32 of 32 results
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