Displaying 1-18 of 18 results
Plotting your NED career
- 30 Mar 2023
How ICAEW and NEDA can support your Non-Executive career. Join us to hear the latest trends and developments related to NED and board-level activities.
Routes to corporate NED roles
- 28 Nov 2022
Discover the route to corporate NED roles and look at what recruiters are looking for on your CV.
Being on Board – how to excel as a NED
- 16 Jun 2022
Following on from our webinar about how to land your first NED role, this webinar from ICAEW explores how to prepare for being on a board and what you will discover when you arrive in the boardroom.
Practical tips for securing that elusive NED role
- 01 Feb 2022
This webinar will count through the steps that accountants need to take in preparation for securing that elusive NED position. Getting a NED role isn’t straightforward. There is tough competition out there and surveys have shown that the great majority of positions may never be widely advertised. The mindset and preparation required to be a successful NED is very different from job hunting and requires an organised approach.
Getting on board: open your mind to NED and Charity Trustee roles
- 09 Dec 2021
Take a closer look at Non-Executive Director (NED) and charity trustee roles for accountants. This webinar is for you, whether you are an established NED, have secured your first position or are aspiring and wondering where and how to get started.
NED webinar series: Part VII - Good governance in the public sector and the role of accountants acting as NEDs – an international perspective
- 27 May 2021
International perspective: Gain key insights into the role of good governance in the public sector and how you could contribute to that acting as a NED.
NED series: Part VI - In conversation with The Auditor General Scotland
- 15 Mar 2021
This webinar looks at good governance in the public sector and about the process of applying for a public sector NED role in Scotland. Gain key insights into how you could contribute to the sector as a chartered accountant NED.
NED Series: Part V - The process of applying for a public sector NED role in Northern Ireland
- 02 Feb 2021
In conversation with the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Northern Ireland, Judena Leslie. Looking at good governance in the public sector and about the process of applying for a public sector NED role in NI
NED Series: Part IV - The importance of good governance in the public sector
- 26 Jan 2021
In conversation with Adrian Crompton, Auditor General Wales about the importance of good governance in the public sector.
NED Series: Part III - The importance of the role of corporate governance in the public sector and the role a NED plays in this
- 06 Nov 2020
Gain insight from the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) Gareth Davies on the current challenges for the public sector and why good governance is vital in meeting those challenges. Understand how NEDs can contribute to effective governance and bring to light the questions that NEDs should be currently asking.
NED Series Part II - What does a Permanent Secretary in central government get from a NED
- 28 Sep 2020
The purpose of this webinar is to hear directly from a permanent secretary and from a chartered accountant NED about their experiences about working with a NED and acting as a NED.
NEDs Part I - The appointments process demystified
- 24 Sep 2020
Hear from the government teams about the public sector appointments process and get a better understanding of what the process involves and what skills a typical role might be looking for.
7 reasons why being on a board is good for your career
- 09 Mar 2020
This webinar is open to all and will benefit any member who is wishing to build their governance experience, regardless of gender.
Succession planning for Boards, Executives and NEDs: now a must-have not a nice-to-have
- 14 Mar 2019
Succession planning for board members, both senior executives & NEDS – it’s an area that is often on the to do list but needs to be documented, shared and reviewed. A panel of respected board members and specialist advisors consider the current state of play and what organisations need to do to be on the front foot.
How to choose the right NED
- 13 Mar 2019
Oliver Cummings of nurole.com covers the steps needed to choose the right Board member.
Worker representation on boards
- 14 Sep 2017
Graeme Nuttall OBE (Fieldfisher), and Andrew Ninian (The Investment Association) discuss how worker representation on boards could work for business.
View from the boardroom - Enhancing your role on the Board - Making it count!
- 08 Oct 2015
Learn how to make the most of your NED or Board skills.
Displaying 1-18 of 18 results