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Displaying 1-22 of 22 results
Environmental, Social, and Governance
- 2024
- Richard Leblanc (Editor)
- Handbook of Board Governance
Explores the practical realities of corporate governance in public, private, and not-for-profit environments. Part 4 looks at ESG issues and the board, Equality, Diversity &Inclusion (EDI) and Regentative Governance.
Strategy and investors
- 2024
- Richard Leblanc (editor)
- Wiley
- Handbook of Board Governance
Explores the practical realities of corporate governance in public, private, and not-for-profit environments. Part 2 explores long-term board strategy and shareholder engagement.
ESG investing for dummies
- 2021
- Brendan Bradley
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Aims to educate potential ESG investors about the opportunities, but to also highlight the risks.
Valuation: measuring and managing the value of companies
- 2020
- McKinsey & Company Inc, Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart, David Wessels
- Wiley
This latest edition has been revised and updated throughout, and includes new insights on topics such as digital, ESG (environmental, social and governance), and long-term investing, as well as fresh case studies. Clear, accessible chapters cover the fundamental principles of value creation, analyzing and forecasting performance, capital structure and dividends, valuing high-growth companies, and much more.
Shareholder activism and investor relations
- 2017
- ICSA Publishing
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Corporate Governance Handbook
Chapter 5 discusses shareholder engagement, relations and communications, shareholder rights and meetings.
Corporate Social Responsibility
- 2017
- ICSA Publishing
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Corporate Governance Handbook
Chapter 6 gives a background to this area and sets out the business case for Corporate Social Responsibility. It also looks at CSR reporting and disclosures and CSR and shareholders.
The Non-executive chairman: toward a shareholder value maximization role
- 2016
- Henry D Wolfe
- John Wiley & Son
- Handbook of Board Governance
This title provides comprehensive, expert-led coverage of all aspects of corporate governance for public, nonprofit, and private boards. This chapter explores the key responsibilities, characteristics , experience and skills of a high-performance non-executive board chairman as well as communication with shareholders and addressing the concerns of activist shareholders.
The rise of shareholder accountability
- 2016
- Rober G. Monks, Richard Fields, Anthony Goodman, James McRitchie, Jon Lukomnik
- John Wiley & Son
- Handbook of Board Governance
This title provides comprehensive, expert-led coverage of all aspects of corporate governance for public, nonprofit, and private boards. This section comprises four chapters on the subject of shareholder relations and shareholder activism.
Communications with stakeholders
- 2016
- Brian Coyle
- ICSA Publishing
An essential source of reference and route map for the position of Non-executive director. Contains case studies and checklists throughout.
Chapter 11 of the handbook deals with shareholder relations with reference to the UK Corporate Governance Code and UK Stewardship Code. Disclosures and transparency, and Corporate Social responsibility are also covered
- 2013
- Martha Bruce
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Directors Guide
The ICSA Director's Guide explains all the core duties and liabilities of being a director from appointment to resignation, including disclosures, shareholder relations and corporate governance. Chapter 11 discusses the statutory duties that directors have to stakeholders other than the shareholders. These include employees, the environment, customers and creditors.
- 2013
- Martha Bruce
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Directors Guide
The ICSA Director's Guide explains all the core duties and liabilities of being a director from appointment to resignation, including disclosures, shareholder relations and corporate governance. This book provides practical help for common issues faced by both executive and non-executive directors. Chapter 8 covers the relationship between the board and its shareholders and includes information on share ownership , general meetings and communication.
Financial accounts
- 2013
- Martha Bruce
- ICSA Publishing
- The ICSA Directors Guide
The ICSA Director's Guide explains all the core duties and liabilities of being a director from appointment to resignation, including disclosures, shareholder relations and corporate governance. Chapter 9 looks at the director's responsibility in terms a company's accounts.
Companies limited by guarantee
- 2013
- Susan Wallace
- ICSA Publishing
A guide to the incorporation and structure of a company limited by guarantee (CLG), as well as its managerial functions.
International social entrepreneurship: pathways to personal and corporate impact
- 2010
- Joseph Mark Munoz
- Business Expert Press
Definitions and methodologies of social entrepreneurship from a US perspective.
Managing investor relations: strategies for effective communication
- 2010
- Alexander Laskin
- Business Expert Press
Introduction to investor relations for students and professionals.
Essentials of business ethics: creating an organisation of high integrity and superior performance
- 2009
- Denis Collins
- John Wiley and Sons
A practical guide to managing ethics in organisations.
Corporate governance: a practical guide to the legal frameworks and international codes of practice
- 2008
- Alan Calder
- Kogan Page
An introduction to governance for directors and executives.
Relations with shareholders
- 2008
- Alan Calder
- Kogan Page
An introduction to governance for directors and executives. Chapter 16 deals with statutory and non-statutory frameworks for relations with shareholders.
Corpocracy: how CEOs and the business roundtable hijacked the world's greatest wealth machine - and how to get it back
- 2008
- Robert A. G. Monks
- John Wiley and Sons
A critical overview corporate governance from a US perspective.
Investor relations
- 2007
- Sonia Mckay, Andrea Oates, Glynis Morris
- CIMA Publishing
- Finance Directors Handbook
Guide to the duties of modern finance directors. Chapter 16 deals with investor relations, including: shareholder engagement; inside information; corporate ethics and corporate culture and corporate social responsibility.
ICCA handbook of corporate social responsibility, The
- 2006
- Judith Hennigfeld, Manfred Pohl, Nick Tolhurst
- John Wiley and Sons
Best practice guide to CSR for large companies.
Business ethics: the ethical revolution of minority shareholders
- 2005
- Jacques Cory
- Springer
Looks at why and how companies do not act ethically towards their minority shareholders.
Displaying 1-22 of 22 results
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