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IFRIC 6 Liabilities Arising from Participating in a Specific Market

IFRIC 6 clarifies when producers of electrical goods must recognise a liability under IAS 37 for the cost of managing waste electrical and electronic equipment.

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The EU’s Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment has given rise to questions about whether a liability for decommissioning costs associated with such equipment should be recognised.

The Directive requires that where such electrical waste arises from sales to private households prior to 13 August 2005, waste management costs should be borne by producers of that type of equipment that are in the market during a period to be specified in the applicable legislation of each Member state.

Producers are required to contribute to costs in proportion to their respective share of the market by type of equipment.

IFRIC 6 provides guidance on which event gives rise to an obligating event and therefore the creation of a provision in relation to waste management costs.

The interpretation concludes that the relevant event is participation in the market during the specified period.

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