The requirements relating to specific topics are set out as sections within FRS 102. However, individual sections of the standard should not be looked at in isolation as other parts may be relevant.
FRS 102 is regularly updated and amended by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). For the full text of FRS 102, guidance on which version of the standard to apply and notes on recent amendments, see our main FRS 102 page.
ICAEW articles and features
Technical round-up: January 2025
Fahad Asgar summarises the latest technical developments in corporate reporting, including targeted changes to nature-dependent electricity contracts; draft amendments to FRS 101; new regulation to increase the monetary company size thresholds; guidance to help companies identify sustainability-related risks and opportunities; and ICAEW’s response to the FRC’s discussion paper on the future of digital reporting.
Technical round-up: January 2024
The latest developments including the UK adoption of supplier finance amendments, proposals to address the challenges of financial instruments with debt and equity features, the annual review of FRS 101 and milestones in sustainability reporting.
Technical round-up: October 2023
Eddy James summarises the latest technical developments, internationally and in the UK, including two new IFRS Accounting Standards, amends to the IFRS for SMEs by the IASB and the FRC’s proposed changes to FRS 102.
Technical round-up: July 2023
Eddy James summarises the latest technical developments in corporate reporting, including supplier finance arrangements, the first two International Sustainability Disclosure Standards, and the Periodic Review of UK GAAP.
Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service
Eligible firms have free access to Bloomsbury Professional's comprehensive online library, comprising around 80 titles from some of the country's leading tax and accounting subject matter experts. Find out who is eligible and how you can access the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service.
Provisions and Contingencies
A chapter on provisions and contingencies within the small companies' financial reporting framework and the micro-entities legislation, written by a specialist on small company reporting issues.
Provisions and contingencies
A chapter providing practical guidance on financial reporting of provisions and contingencies under FRS 102, section 21 and FRS 105, section 16.
Provisions and Contingencies
Chapter on provisions and contingencies in a guide to all aspects of UK auditing standards and UK GAAP accounting standards.
The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides full text access to a selection of key business and reference eBooks from leading publishers. eBooks are available to logged-in ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users. If you are unable to access an eBook, please see our Help and support advice or contact
Provisions and contingencies
Guide from 2019 focusing on each area of the financial statement in detail with illustrative examples. This chapter gives a comparison of FRS 102 Section 21 and IFRS, and looks at the scope of the section, how to determine when a provision should be recognised, contingent liabilities, contingent assets, how probability determines whether to recognise or disclose, initial and subsequent measurement, funding commitments, presentation, disclosure, and examples of provisions.