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FRS 104 Interim Financial Reporting

FRS 104 Interim Financial Reporting provides guidance on the preparation of interim financial reports. It is based on IAS 34.

Access the standard

All editions of FRS 104 can be found on the FRC’s website. Note the September 2024 edition of FRS 104 includes some amendments with a mandatory effective date that is later than 1 January 2024. Find details of the effective dates of amendments in the Recent amendments section below.


FRS 104 prescribes the minimum content for an interim financial report and the principles for recognition and measurement in such reports together with required disclosures.

The standard does not mandate which entities must prepare interim reports, or prescribe how frequently or how soon after the end of an interim period such reports should be issued.

Condensed versions of the main financial statements are required within an interim report, along with selected explanatory notes. Guidance is given within the standard for the measurement of items such as revenues affected by seasonality and income taxes.

Who should apply the standard?

FRS 104 is intended to be applied by those entities that apply FRS 102 and must prepare, or choose to prepare, interim financial reports. It may also be used as a basis for preparing interim reports by entities applying FRS 101.

Which version of the standard?

Annual period Relevant edition of the standard Notes on amendments and early adoption
Starts on or after 1 January 2026 FRS 104 Interim Financial Reporting (September 2024) This edition of FRS 104 incorporates all amendments issued up to September 2024 including the Periodic Review 2024 amendments, effective from 1 January 2026.
Starts on or after 1 January 2022 FRS 104 Interim Financial Reporting (January 2022) This edition of FRS 104 incorporates all amendments to FRS 104 issued up to January 2022.

Recent amendments

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