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General election 2024

Election explainers

ICAEW experts offer simple guides to help understand the technical, economic jargon that will be at the heart of political debates in the coming weeks.

Analysis from ICAEW's experts on the Autumn Budget 2021 and the comprehensive spending review published on 27 October 2021.

Election explainers: what is GDP?

  • Helpsheets and support
  • 10 Jun 2024
  • ICAEW Economies Team
In the run up to the general election, journalists and politicians will talk a lot about GDP. But what is it and how does it affect people and businesses? ICAEW experts offer this simple guide on GDP, why it matters and the future outlook.
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ICAEW's vision for a resilient UK

The UK faces major decisions about the shape and direction of its future economy. ICAEW has drawn on the insights and expertise of our members in making a call to action for the next government. It has set out its vision for a resilient future UK economy that is: productive, highly skilled, sustainable, innovative, resilient, trustworthy and leading on trade.

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