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Displaying 1-30 of 99 results
Catching the new wave: AI reshapes oil and gas exploration and development
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- 01 Nov 2024
- Rindi White
Oil and gas companies are already tapping into some of the opportunities presented by AI, and the industry is poised to expand its use even more. Discusses how generative AI is being used in oil and gas exploration and development in areas such as predictive modelling and remote decision making.
EU mandates biodiversity restoration, setting up ‘green’ alongside ‘clean’ requirements for Europe’s power sector
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- 01 Aug 2024
The European Council has adopted new regulation that aims to restore at least 20% of the EU's land and sea areas by 2030, and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. This will result in an additional layer of compliance for the EU’s power sector and new considerations for project planning and operations. Discusses the challenges for the sector in balancing the expansion of renewable energy with the protection of vital ecosystems. Biodiversity initiatives already put into place by companies are highlighted.
Harnessing disruptive innovation: paving the way for sustainable offshore oil and gas
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- 01 Mar 2024
- Wallace Pescarini
Discusses how disruptive new technologies can help the offshore oil and gas industry to balance the provision of reliable and affordable energy with decarbonisation. Solutions such as digital automation and AI, offshore infrastructure electrification, advancements in subsea processing technology and novel partnership models look set to transform operations, improving the sector's efficiency and sustainability.
Indonesia revises upstream oil and gas taxation guidelines
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- 06 Nov 2023
- Endy Arya Yoga and Aditya Wicaksono
Endy Arya Yoga and Aditya Wicaksono of GNV Consulting summarise legislative developments in Indonesia concerning the oil and gas sector and the taxpayer repatriation and investment commitments under the Voluntary Disclosure Programme
Serica Energy CEO reflects on state of the UK offshore oil and gas industry
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- 01 Nov 2023
- Mitch Flegg
Sercia Energy CEO Mitch Flegg discusses the challenges facing the UK offshore oil and gas sector, including the impact of recent regulatory and fiscal policies, and how his company has maintained profitability
A hot market: Insurers launch climate-related businesses as green tech grows
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- 01 Apr 2023
- Terrence Dopp
Insurance startups and established industry names are competing to insure renewable energy projects. Insurers are focusing on two issues: covering green projects meant to diversify energy production and human activity from the most carbon-emitting enterprises, and protecting existing books of business against losses from a changing climate.
UK aims to build prototype fusion plant for near-limitless power
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- 06 Feb 2023
- Todd Gillespie
The British government plans to build a prototype nuclear fusion plant by 2040 on a former coal site in Nottinghamshire. A breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology came in December 2022 when the US Department of Energy said scientists in California had managed to generate more energy from a fusion reaction than they needed to trigger it.
Iran country risk report
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- 01 Jan 2023
- Business Monitor International
A FitchSolutions quarterly report on Iran, with 10 year forecasts to 2031. The country's economic and political outlook is covered, including its energy sector.
Ireland's renewables market braced for the impact of EU intervention on energy prices
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- 21 Nov 2022
- David Neary
David Neary of Deloitte Ireland discusses the council regulation on an emergency intervention to address high energy prices and its impact on the renewable energy market in Ireland.
The impact of Ireland's Budget 2023 on sustainability
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- 21 Nov 2022
- Brian McDonnell
Brian McDonnell of Deloitte Ireland provides an overview of the supports and schemes announced as part of Ireland's Budget 2023, and calls for further measures regarding green energy and renewables.
Renewable energy
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- 01 Nov 2022
Charts and graphs on renewable energy in the U.S. from 1950 to 2021, including energy consumption, energy production, and fuel ethanol, biodiesel and other renewable fuels overview.
Has private investment in renewable energy been adequately addressed in Ireland's TSG's budget papers?
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- 17 Oct 2022
- David Neary
David Neary of Deloitte Ireland provides an overview of Ireland's Tax Strategy Group's (TSG) recommendations with respect to incentivising renewable energy.
Tullow Oil plc: MarketLine company profile
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- 30 Sep 2022
- MarketLine
Company profile report on Tullow Oil plc, the independent oil and gas exploration, development and production group.
National Grid PLC: MarketLine company profile
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- 09 Aug 2022
- MarketLine
Company profile report on National Grid plc, the international network utility company.
The PWC scoop: forecasting mining's financial future?
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- 01 Aug 2022
PwC has published its ‘Mine 2022' report examining the performance of the world's top 40 mining companies in 2021 while unpacking the most pressing trends facing the global resources industry. The article discusses insights from the report, which highlights imminent supply shortfalls and explores environmental, social and governance (ESG) within the global mining industry.
Sustainable biomethane: An opportunity for Irish farmers
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- 01 Jun 2022
Europe's raised ambition for sustainable biomethane production opens up new possibilities for Irish farmers wishing to diversify their incomes. Irish Farmers Monthly magazine reports on a recent Renewable Gas Forum Ireland (RGFI)/REGATRACE knowledge sharing event in Dublin.
Canadian budget delivers on global minimum tax rules and green energy
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- 02 May 2022
Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland's budget does not change corporate tax rates, but it headlines parts of the OECD's digital tax agenda and Canada's incoming domestic minimum top-up tax.
VAT introduction in Kuwait and Qatar likely to be delayed until 2024
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- 02 May 2022
Tax directors and advisors do not expect VAT regimes in Kuwait and Qatar to be introduced before 2024 as concerns over rising inflation and high oil prices bolster tax revenues.
UK leans heavily on nuclear in bold new energy strategy
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- 01 May 2022
- Sonal Patel
The article focuses on commitments laid out by the UK government's latest energy strategy, to tackle the challenges of achieving net-zero carbon emissions as well as ensuring energy affordability and security. Topics discussed include plans to rapidly expand the UK's nuclear and offshore wind capacity.
UK energy firms seek bailout as government talks run on
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- 19 Sep 2021
- Alex Morales, Rachel Morison
UK energy companies are in emergency talks with the government, as a surge in gas and electricity prices threatens to push more suppliers out of business.
Higher oil prices lead to drop in GCC sukuk issuance in first half
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- 07 Sep 2021
- Issac John
Higher oil prices have reduced sovereign funding needs for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in H1 2021, leading to stalling global sukuk issuance this year, Moody's Investors Service have reported.
UK power supply crunch sends prices to record high
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- 06 Sep 2021
- Rachel Morison, Jesper Starn
Power prices surged to a record high in September 2021 after supplies plunged, an early signal of how the energy market might be impacted in winter.
UK agrees to help North Sea oil industry with low carbon shifts
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- 23 Mar 2021
- Elena Mazneva
The UK government has announced an agreement with the oil and gas industry to help safeguard jobs as the country strives to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.
BP considers project to develop UKs largest blue hydrogen plant
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- 18 Mar 2021
- Laura Hurst
A potential project to build the UK's largest blue-hydrogen plant is being investigated by BP.
UK pension fund Nest to invest $347m in renewable power
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- 12 Mar 2021
- William Mathis
Nest Corp., the UK's biggest pension fund by members, will invest £250m ($347 million) in renewable energy through a partnership with investment manager Octopus Renewables.
Europe's biggest banks face new green asset ratio disclosure
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- 01 Mar 2021
- Silla Brush
Europe's largest banks face new rules to disclose how much their business contributes to climate change.
Big oil takes over next generation of UK offshore wind
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- 08 Feb 2021
- William Mathis
Oil companies BP and Total have paid a hefty premium to develop the next generation of major British offshore wind farms.
Nuclear power pushed to back burner in UK's green energy plan
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- 20 Nov 2020
- Rachel Morison
Britain's ambition to renew its aging fleet of nuclear power plants seems to be losing momentum.
UK delays energy policy paper, leaving questions on green goal
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- 11 Nov 2020
- Alex Morales, Tim Ross, Jessica Shankleman
The UK government is delaying publication of a policy document outlining its latest energy plans.
Green utility breaks up UK's 'Big Six' oligopoly with SSE deal
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- 13 Sep 2019
- Jeremy Hodges
Ovo Energy's purchase of Scottish utility SSE will catapult it to being one of the largest energy suppliers in the UK.
Displaying 1-30 of 99 results
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