Displaying 1-13 of 13 results
Energy Law Journal
- Library journal
- Foundation for the Energy Law Journal
Provides thought-provoking & deeply researched articles by practitioners, internationally known academics, federal judges, high ranking federal agency officials, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Engineering and Mining Journal
- Library journal
- Mining Media International
Presents information about new engineering and mining equipment, technology and techniques.
Middle East Monitor: The Gulf
- Report
- Business Monitor International
Monthly country research report covering political, economic and social developments in the Gulf region. Includes an Oil Outlook price forecast for Brent crude oil.
Monthly Energy Review
- Report
- Superintendent of Documents
US energy industry statistics from 1949 to 2024, including the production and consumption of energy, and energy imports and exports.
New Scientist
- Library journal
- New Scientist Ltd
Cutting edge science and technology news, often featuring energy and climate issues. Full-text with a 30 day embargo delay.
- Library journal
- Endeavor Business Media
Articles and international news on various offshore industries, including oil drilling, pipeline, underwater mining, and marine research.
Oil and Gas Industry Profile: Global
- Report
- MarketLine
Annual MarketLine oil and gas industry profile covering the market size, competitive landscape and forecast data for market performance.
Pipeline & Gas Journal
- Library journal
- Gulf Energy Information
Articles, interviews, business profiles, new products and equipment news for professionals in international pipeline and gas utility operations, design and maintenance.
- Library journal
- Access Intelligence LLC
Articles on business and technology for the global power generation industry.
Short-Term Energy Outlook
- Report
- US Department of Energy
Provides US monthly projections for energy consumption, production and prices. Typically covers global liquid fuels, crude oil, natural gas, electricity, coal, renewables and emissions.
UK Oil & Gas report
- Report
- FitchSolutions
Quarterly FitchSolutions report on the UK oil and gas industry, including 10-year forecasts to 2032. Topics covered include upstream exploration, oil production and the competitive landscape.
World Oil
- Library journal
- Gulf Energy Information
Articles, special features, interviews, commentary, business profiles and news aimed at engineers and managers of oil and gas producers, exploration companies and equipment manufacturers.
Worldwide Energy
- Library journal
- Worldwide Videotex
Provides news & information on all types of energy sources & applications. These include oil, gas, coal nuclear, electric, solar & the latest energy alternatives.
Displaying 1-13 of 13 results
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