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Data: Are we at peak complexity?

We hope we are or least close to it. Complexity and lack of data are the most often cited challenges organisations face. However, this must not stop them in their preparation for the changing environment. This webinar recording from the Financial Services Faculty will provide what data is necessary, available and what are the alternatives.

There is more data available than it first appears and there are always alternatives. We need to stop using complexity as an excuse, remove the silos and understand individual responsibilities too.

The need for clear, quantified plans on how to achieve Net Zero targets and resilience is the most common challenge for firms taking the first step and making this commitment.

The availability of data is the single greatest test firms expect to face over the next five years in order to address climate risk, according to a survey of leading financial institutions by Willis Towers Watson. In addition to 80% of respondents reporting data as their top concern in the transition to a Net Zero economy, difficulty in making quantitative assessments (75%) and insufficient expertise in the actions required (62%) were also revealed as major challenges.

Get ahead of the curve, and understand what you need to know - for today, and in the very near future.

First broadcast on 15 September, 2021.

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