Displaying 1-28 of 28 results
CASS Governance for Insurance Intermediaries Guide
- Helpsheets and support
- 21 Nov 2024
- PDF (254kb)
This helpsheet considers some of the areas that regulated firms and their CASS auditors may wish to consider when assessing the appropriateness of a firms CASS Governance framework. In particular this helpsheet considers CASS Governance for insurance intermediaries with CASS 5 permissions.
Annual safeguarding audits for FCA regulated firms
- Helpsheets and support
- 21 Dec 2023
- PDF (555kb)
This factsheet considers some of the questions and steps regulated firms and auditors/consultants may wish to consider in fulfilling the requirements set out in the Financial Conduct Authority’s (the FCA) guidance for payment services and e-money firms.
Interest earned on client money bank accounts (CASS)
- Helpsheets and support
- 12 Dec 2023
- PDF (497kb)
- ICAEW Financial Services Faculty
This helpsheets provides firms the discretion on whether to pay a client any interest earned on client money balances. How much of the interest that is earned and paid over to the client is subject to a written agreement between the firm and the client.
CASS 11 Debt Management
- Helpsheets and support
- 12 Dec 2023
- PDF (415kb)
Debt management activities are defined by the following which is regulated by a set of rules under CASS 11 for client money
10 questions NEDs should be asking about LIBOR transition
- Helpsheets and support
- 24 Aug 2020
- PDF (155kb)
- John Mongelard
ICAEW’s Financial Services Faculty highlight 10 questions non-executive directors can ask to build a robust conversation around how their business is responding to the change. Therefore, the imminent change to LIBOR and its replacement with overnight rates will be far-reaching.
10 questions your firm should be asking about conduct risk in the context of LIBOR transition
- Helpsheets and support
- 21 Aug 2020
- PDF (178kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
ICAEW's Financial Services Faculty highlights 10 questions you can ask to build a robust conversation around how your firm is addressing conduct risk arising from LIBOR transition.
10 questions Internal Audit should be asking about LIBOR transition
- Helpsheets and support
- 21 Aug 2020
- PDF (217kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
ICAEW's Financial Services Faculty highlights 10 questions to inform the critical contribution Internal Audit can make in firm's challenging and far-reaching transition to alternative reference rates
10 questions external auditors should be asking finance directors about LIBOR transition
- Helpsheets and support
- 21 Aug 2020
- PDF (198kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
ICAEW's Financial Services Faculty highlights 10 questions financial directors can expect from their external auditors, from front to back of the audit lifecycle, over the next 18 months.
10 questions corporates should be asking about LIBOR transition
- Helpsheets and support
- 21 Aug 2020
- PDF (211kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
ICAEW's Financial Services Faculty highlights 10 questions corporates can ask to build a robust conversation around how your firm is addressing readiness for LIBOR transition.
10 accounting and disclosures questions finance should be asking about LIBOR transition
- Helpsheets and support
- 21 Aug 2020
- PDF (169kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
ICAEW's Financial Services Faculty highlights 10 questions to inform the critical areas of accounting and financial disclosure that are being impacted by LIBOR transition.
Avoiding information overload insurance
- Helpsheets and support
- 27 Jan 2020
- PDF (287kb)
This guide offers practical examples and checklists for those working in or with the insurance industry to avoid information overload.
Reliability of regulatory returns Guide
- Helpsheets and support
- 07 Nov 2019
- PDF (159kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
Following the publication of the Prudential Regulation Authority’s Dear CEO letter on the reliability of regulatory returns on 31 October 2019 this guide recaps ICAEW’s existing guidance in this area. ICAEW’s authoritative guidance may assist skilled persons performing such work as well as banks commissioning this work, do so in a clear and consistent manner that enables useful reporting.
10 questions NEDs should be asking about climate change in financial services
- Helpsheets and support
- 26 Sep 2019
- PDF (145kb)
- Financial Services Faculty, Sustainability Team
Climate change is firmly on the board agenda, but it can be challenging to ask the right questions about new rapidly changing risks. ICAEW’s Financial Services Faculty and the Sustainability team highlight 10 questions non-executive directors can ask to get a robust conversation going and help drive strong governance.
FSF Benchmark reform 2: Transition from LIBOR
- Helpsheets and support
- 08 Jul 2019
- PDF (414kb)
Benchmark reform update: Our first Benchmark Reform Helpsheet (published 10 August 2018) outlined proposed changes to LIBOR and the need to transition to alternative risk free rates (RFR). Since then, awareness of Libor
Transition has increased and work has been done to mitigate known risks through the development of fallback language and alternate RFR products. This second Helpsheet sets out some of the market progress, key
considerations, risks and the next steps.
Client Assets Sourcebook (CASS) and Outsourcing
- Helpsheets and support
- 21 Nov 2018
- PDF (267kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
Information for CASS auditors when determining procedures over outsourcing arrangements and how they apply to the CASS rules.
Senior Managers and Certification Regime
- Helpsheets and support
- 02 Nov 2018
- PDF (380kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
The Senior Managers and Certification Regime is a new regulatory framework which aims to improve individual accountability.
Benchmark reform
- Helpsheets and support
- 06 Aug 2018
- PDF (314kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
Alternative reference rates and transition from LIBOR.
- Helpsheets and support
- 29 Aug 2017
- PDF (308kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
Information on the identification of a mandate and whether or not it falls within the scope of the CASS 8 Mandate Rules set out in the FCA Handbook.
CASS reporting on CASS debt management firms
- Helpsheets and support
- 06 Mar 2017
- PDF (491kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
This Financial Services Faculty helpsheet on CASS reporting looks at what CASS debt management firms are and what rules apply to them.
Securities lending activities
- Helpsheets and support
- 08 Dec 2016
- PDF (644kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
This Financial Services Faculty helpsheet answers "What is securities lending activity?" and sets out the key risks and audit considerations of a securities lending arrangement.
Interest on client money
- Helpsheets and support
- 19 Oct 2016
- PDF (633kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
This Financial Services Faculty helpsheet explains the practical implications of CASS 7 and key actions for CASS Auditors.
Subsidiary board governance in groups
- Helpsheets and support
- 18 Apr 2016
- PDF (356kb)
This help sheet explores the challenges and what good governance might look like for subsidiaries in financial services groups.
Recovery and resolution helpsheet
- Helpsheets and support
- 27 Oct 2015
- PDF (791kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
During the financial crisis, it became clear that both regulated firms and authorities had given insufficient attention to planning for financial institution failure.
Bank ring-fencing
- Helpsheets and support
- 27 Oct 2015
- PDF (937kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
Bank ring-fencing is a response to the banking crisis, and aims to separate 'core activities and services' (deposits, payments and overdrafts) performed by banks from their investments banking operations.
Fair and Effective Markets Review
- Helpsheets and support
- 27 Oct 2015
- PDF (655kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
Launched in June 2014, FEMR was a review conducted by HM Treasury, the Bank of England and the FCA to address misconduct and other sources of perceived unfairness in Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities (FICC) markets.
Risk and regulation helpsheet - Skilled person review
- Helpsheets and support
- 15 Jul 2015
- PDF (598kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
Our inaugural help sheet covers skilled person reports. We will be producing regular guides on financial services topics as part of the Financial Services Faculty’s drive to innovate and enhance the service to its members.
FAQs about benchmarks
- Helpsheets and support
- 28 Feb 2014
- PDF (130kb)
- Financial Services Faculty
FAQs about benchmarks
TECH 03/13FSF Guidance for assurance on benchmarks and indices
- Technical release
- 01 Jan 2013
- PDF (907kb)
Exposure draft and interim guidance for those seeking assurance over the processes used to compile benchmarks and indices.
Displaying 1-28 of 28 results