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Fraud is usually taken to mean the gaining of an illicit advantage through deception and in particular the manipulation of financial information or accounting records.

Fraud act 2006

  • In the UK, the criminal offence of fraud has been codified by the Fraud Act 2006.

This defines the criminal offence of fraud in the UK. It includes offences of fraud by:

  • False representation;
  • Failing to disclose information;  
  • Abuse of position; and
  • A number of other offences relating to fraud.

Fraud case studies

A series of three short videos providing examples of different types of fraud that members may encounter in performing their roles.

Fraud advisory helpline

This is an anonymous telephone service offering supportive practical advice to ICAEW members, affiliates, ICAEW students and staff in eligible firms with member firm access.

Fraud Advisory Panel

A registered charity established by ICAEW which works on the prevention of fraud through legal and procedural reform and through the provision of advice to individuals and businesses.

Fraud-related articles

Fraud and coronavirus

Articles covering fraud of the different government support schemes, introduced to mitigate the impact of coronavirus on the economy and firms.


Reports and publications

CPD and training

Keep your knowledge up-to-date with ICAEW's risk management and fraud courses. Designed and delivered by experienced financial risk professionals, our courses address topics, such as fraud and corruption risk in businesses, cyber risk and other types of risk relevant to all levels of your organisation. All CPD courses are live virtual classrooms and can be delivered in-house.

Further resources

ICAEW Code of Ethics

ICAEW's Code of Ethics applies to all members, students, affiliates, employees of member firms and, where applicable, member firms, in all of their professional and business activities, whether remunerated or voluntary.

View the Code
Anti money-laundering helpsheets
Anti-money laundering

Guidance and other work that ICAEW has done on anti-money laundering law and practice, in the UK and internationally.

A hand pointing at a graph on a screen
Economic crime

In these articles and videos, we explore the latest trends and perspectives on economic crime from around the world, and look at how chartered accountants can help prevent it happening.

See more