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Manufacturing Community webinars and recordings

The information in these webinars reflects the understanding of ICAEW at the time of recording but things may have changed since that time. You should consult the latest guidance alongside a viewing of these on-demand webinars.

Community webinars

Event Date Recording
How to buy your energy
Learn about the nuances of energy procurement in today's dynamic marketplace.
16 May 2024
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Digital transformation in manufacturing
Manufacturers are facing intense pressure to deliver better goods at lower costs; they aim to reduce costs whilst optimizing operational efficiency throughout their supply chains and factories. Digitalisation is one of the biggest challenges, but also one of the greatest opportunities for UK manufacturing, and there is ample evidence indicating that the adoption of new technologies enables businesses to enhance their resilience, efficiency, and, crucially, productivity, particularly during crises such as a global pandemic.
28 February 2024
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Cyber: a risky business for manufacturing
In this short webinar for the sector our speakers will look at how and why manufacturers are being targeted and what business leaders need to have in place when the inevitable attack comes.
4 October 2023
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Tax reliefs for growth in manufacturing: are you up to date?
In this webinar we will be looking at business growth in the manufacturing sector and consider how manufacturers can utilise tax reliefs to aid this growth.
6 July 2023  Listen again
Demystifying Apprenticeships: what, why, how and the practicalities
From their central role in the levelling up agenda to their vital importance in meeting labour market shortages, apprenticeships were never far from the news in 2022.
16 March 2023 Listen again 
Debt and equity funding for business, practical advice on the what, why and how
Experiences and practical tips about funding for a business.
30 November 2022
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Managing your business through volatility: practical steps to consider
Look at the practical steps businesses can take to secure their future as we enter a period of growing economic uncertainty.
9 November 2022
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Cut carbon emissions; save your business and the planet
Join us in this webinar to learn more about the practical steps to take now in 2022 and how on-site renewable energy generation for business or your client's business can tackle the trilemma!
5 October 2022
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Reaching net zero in manufacturing – how to meet and measure targets
Find out about reporting and data sharing requirements for manufacturing businesses and then consider how manufacturers can make improvements to meet net zero targets.
27 April 2022
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Sustainability in practice: making money out of manufacturing waste profit
Tune in to learn about the practical transformation that took place at AB Sugar. Find out how the company identified potential revenue streams in waste and successfully commercialised downstream products. Hear how they squeeze every last penny out of the sugar making process to make products including animal feed and top-soil. How they extract energy from beet pulp to power thousands of homes. How they harness excess CO2 for horticulture to grow tomatoes and set up the largest medicinal cannabis factory in the world.
14 October 2021
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Commercial rent arrears – how landlords and tenants can work together to find a solution
A practical webinar giving guidance for commercial landlords and tenants on rent arrears recovery, lease negotiation strategies and restructuring rental payments for companies in financial distress.
25 May 2021 Listen again
Manufacturing: driving efficiencies in energy and materials
Reach net zero ambitions in manufacturing through driving efficiencies in energy and materials.
22 April 2021
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Making digital manufacturing on a shoestring work
Discover digital solutions that are easily integrated into existing processes, are low risk and low cost and will help you thrive in this chaotic time.
17 November 2020 Listen again
Climate Change: what's next for manufacturing?
The UK has set a target to be 'net zero' for carbon emissions by 2050. Manufacturers will be expected to play their part in tackling climate change. What does this mean and how can the sector commit to the net zero expectation?
June 2020 Listen again

Other webinars

Event Date Recording
IFRS 16: A refresher
Keeping you up-to-date on IFRS 16: what's working well and what the challenges are.
14 September 2023
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Supply chain cyber security series
Your business is only as secure as its weakest link. Watch this series to understand and manage supply chain cyber security risk.
28 September - 2 November 2022
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Freeports: VAT and Customs
This webinar from the Tax Faculty will provide details of the potential VAT and duty benefits of operating within a Freeport area.
19 October 2022
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Demystifying export support and funding available from the Department for International Trade
Tune into this recorded webinar to gain a better understanding of the support on offer from the Department of International Trade (DIT) for UK exporters. Aimed at small and medium sized companies this webinar aims to demystify what the UK’s Export Strategy means for business and the practical support on offer.
13 April 2022
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Introducing the Climate-related Financial Disclosure Regulations
Effective from 6 April 2022, The Companies (Strategic Report) (Climate-related Financial Disclosure) Regulations 2022 require certain UK companies and LLPs to report climate-related information within their strategic report. This webinar explains who’s in scope of the new requirements, what information is required to be disclosed and where to find further guidance.
10 March 2022
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