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Webinars and recordings

Webinars and other recordings from the Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Community.
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The information in these webinars reflects the understanding of ICAEW at the time of recording but things may have changed since that time. You should consult the latest guidance alongside a viewing of these on-demand webinars.

Community webinars and recordings

Event Date Recording
Hospitality in 2025: what you need to know
Join us for this webinar where our speakers discuss their thoughts for what 2025 will look like in both the short-term and the long-term, following recent announcements.
27 February 2025
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Outlook for the travel, tourism & hospitality industry in 2025
How has 2024 fared for the travel, tourism and hospitality industry and how will the change in Government impact the industry in 2025?
25 November 2024 Listen again
A practical look at finance digital transformation – lessons from the sector with Xledger
The challenges and highlights of a finance digital transformation journey and how it can provide insights for the hospitality sector.
16 October 2024 Listen again
Travel, trends and tourism  what the latest could mean for the UK economy?
With the indication that prices are stabilising, and people are seemingly returning to pre-pandemic levels of travel can the sector breathe a sigh of relief? Or are things not as they appear?
29 August 2024 Listen again
How technology and generative AI is being applied in the hospitality sector
Explore the impact that the increasing presence of AI could have on the hospitality industry.
1 May 2024
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Valuing hotels – insurers vs. accountants and what is market value
Explore the various factors affecting the way that hotels are valued.
8 February 2024
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Outlook for the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry in 2024
Learn what the next year could look like for the travel, tourism and hospitality industries.
29 November 2023
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VAT – Good news for serviced accommodation providers
During this webinar Sue Rathmell, VAT & Indirect Tax Partner, MHA Bakertilly Int., discusses the Sonder Europe Limited case.
Recorded on 16 August 2023
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Placemaking in UK high streets
Explore the changes of EU VAT and the implications this has on tour operators.
13 June 2023
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TOMS and the implications of EU VAT changes
This webinar will look at placemaking and strengthening communities through rejuvenation of town and village centres across the UK.
7 March 2023
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The outlook for the travel, tourism and hospitality sectors in 2023
industry experts, and learn about the impact that the energy crisis, economic downturn, and geopolitical situation is having on the sector and the possible long-term effects.
29 November 2022 Listen again
ICAEW Insights Podcast: How to fix the airline industry
On the latest ICAEW Insights podcast, we explore the problems facing the aviation sector with experts Matthew Davy, director at Strategy& UK, and Eleni Kaloyirou, CEO of Hermes Airports, Cyprus.
8 August 2022
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ICAEW South West & Wales Tourism & Hospitality post pandemic
Five ICAEW members working in senior positions within the sector will discuss the successes and challenges of the summer season, how their organisations have been adapting to the “new normal” and their plans to ensure they remain a profitable but also sustainable business going forward.
3 November 2021 Listen again
The impact of Covid-19 on hotel valuations
During this webinar, our speakers Russell Kett FRICS, Chairman – London, HVS and Bob Silk, Relationship Director, Hospitality & Leisure Team, Barclays Bank PLC, provided a comprehensive review of issues affecting hotel value, provide case studies as well as examine and explain key issues.
21 April 2021 Listen again
The long road to recovery: how VisitEngland can help you in a post-Covid-19 world
Our speakers, Ross Calladine and Vicky Parr, provided updates to listeners and outline how ICAEW members will be better able to support English hospitality and tourism businesses.
19 April 2021 Listen again
Redundancies in the Hospitality Sector
This webinar explored the immediate issues and potential issues relating to the furlough and job retention schemes and what this could potentially mean for businesses when redundancies become a necessity.  
11 November 2020  Listen again
An update on VAT for travel and hospitality sector
This webinar explores the immediate issues and opportunities that the VAT reduction has on the hospitality and tourism sectors and what this could mean for businesses when the standard rate is reinstated.
6 October 2020  Listen again
Trust Accounts for the travel industry
Nikki Spoor and Sudheer Sharma report on companies considering moving to a Trust model due to holiday refunds controversy and explain the risks and benefits of using this. 
2 September 2020  Listen again
Moving forward in uncertain times
Watch this webinar to hear Mazars provide sector updates and practical guidance for the Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Community.
20 July 2020  Listen again
Adapting your business for life post lockdown
In this webinar our speaking provided sector specific information, government advice and practical guidance to follow.
11 June 2020  Listen again
Demystifying restructuring processes in retail and hospitality
This webinar looked at restructuring and administration processes commonly seen in the retail and hospitality sectors, and consider what businesses can do if they have concerns about their long-term viability or that of their key customers and suppliers.
4 June 2020 Listen again
IFRS 16 and the Travel, Tourism & Hospitality sector
Nikki Spoor, Director at White Hart Associates (London) Limited and Vivek Mehan, Director, Mehan Training, discuss the importance of IFRS 16 and what those working within the travel, tourism and hospitality industry will need to know.
September 2019 Listen again

Webinar slides

Other webinars

Event Date Recording
IFRS 16: A refresher
Keeping you up-to-date on IFRS 16: what's working well and what the challenges are.
24 September 2023
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Reinventing the hospitality sector in a Covid-19 world
Through this session by Resilience First, we heard about the lessons learnt, the role of technology and new operational policies put in place in order to reinforce the sector's resiliency.
27 January 2021  Listen again
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