Useful commentary and time-saving guidance in popular Bloomsbury Professional titles, as recently featured in Practicewire. Eligible firms have free access to Bloomsbury's comprehensive online library.
Registered users can go directly to Bloomsbury Professional Online and use the ICAEW link to login.
If you are not registered, individuals in eligible firms can register for access online.
Leases update
One of the principal amendments made to FRS 102 in the last periodic review from the FRC was to the section on leases. Under the new recognition and measurement principles, a lessee no longer distinguishes between an operating lease and a finance lease. This important change is among many picked up in the recent update to Small Company Financial Reporting in the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service.
First shared in Practicewire in February 2025
Tax case summaries
The recent set of Tax case summaries highlighted the FTT decision in Visual Investments International Limited v HMRC [2024] UKFTT 843 (TC), where the appellants appeal about the recovery of input tax was dismissed. Detailed guidance on what a business can recover input tax on is contained in the Bloomsbury VAT annual.
First shared in Practicewire in December 2024
Autumn Budget summary
Ensure you're on top of the key items announced in Labour’s budget in Bloomsbury's comprehensive Autumn Budget summary and see updates across impacted titles in their collection.
First shared in Practicewire in November 2024
Taxation of intellectual property
Users of the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax service now have access to an updated commentary dealing with the taxation of intellectual property.
One of the features of this is a new section on cryptoassets by Julian Hickey.
Second-hand goods scheme rules
The recent decision in Ancient and Modern Jewellers Limited and Zachary Coles v HMRC [2024] UKFTT 774 (TC) is a important one in terms of emphasising the need for proper application of the VAT second-hand goods scheme rules. The Bloomsbury Professional VAT annual contains some useful guidance on this subject.
Commencement of a trade
The date on which an individual commences a trade can be important for various tax reasons. For example, the date determines the start of the opening basis period for which the profit (or loss) of the trade is calculated. The commencement of a new trade also gives rise to statutory compliance obligations, such as in terms of notification and reporting to (HMRC). Guidance looking at some tests to consider has just been in the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service.
FTT decision - trust’s application for entrepreneurs’ relief
In Trustees of the Peter Buckley Settlement v HMRC, 2024 (TC09022), the First-tier Tax Tribunal (FTT) rejected a trust’s application for entrepreneurs’ relief from capital gains tax on a share disposal because the relevant shares were not personally owned by the qualifying beneficiary for the required period. Bloomsbury’s Tax Planning commentary has some valuable commentary on the status of shares.
First shared in Practicewire in August 2024
FTT decision - liability to pay pensions to employees
The Upper Tribunal recently upheld the FTT decision in A D Bly Groundworks and Civil Engineering Ltd & Anor v Revenue and Customs which concluded the appellants liability to pay pensions to employees was not incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the appellants trades. Users of the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service can find more guidance on the “wholly and exclusively” rules in the A-Z of Business Tax Deductions product.
First shared in Practicewire in July 2024
R&D incentives reform
An important part of the overall recent reform of R&D incentives includes limits to the non-territorial basis of subcontractor and externally provided workers’ cost to UK situs activity. Commentary on these rules is included in a new section of Bloomsbury Professionals Research and Development Tax Reliefs.
First shared in Practicewire in June 2024
Family Investment Companies
Practice members now have access to a new expert commentary in the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service. Our Family Investment Companies product by Deborah Clark at Mills & Reeve. A Family Investment Company (FIC) is a bespoke vehicle which can be used as an alternative to a family trust.
First shared in Practicewire in June 2024
Residence relief claims
The FTT decision in Patwary v HMRC [2024] UKFTT 29 (TC) demonstrated the need for evidence to support a claim to residence relief. Users of the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service can read the details of the case and the relevant law in the Main residence relief section of the Capital Gains Tax Annual.
First shared in Practicewire in May 2024
Agricultural property relief and woodlands relief restriction
The Spring Budget introduced a restriction to agricultural property relief and woodlands relief from inheritance tax to property located in the UK from 6 April 2024.
These changes are highlighted in the most recent update to Bloomsbury Professional's Busy Practitioner.
First shared in Practicewire in May 2024
Company gifts and IHT
In close companies, companies, assets are commonly transferred from the company to its owners and family members. While practitioners dealing with such transactions routinely consider the income tax and NIC implications for the recipients and the corporation tax issues for the company, IHT implications can be over looked.
The latest update to Bloomsbury Professional’s Busy Practitioner contains some valuable advice on this issue.
First shared in Practicewire in April 2024
Making Tax Digital update
On 22 February 2024, updated regulations (the ‘amending regulations’) were laid before Parliament which amend the record keeping requirements in Regulation 6 of the Income Tax (Digital Requirements) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021/1076) (‘MTD ITSA Regs)’. These changes are reflected in the recent update to Bloomsbury Professionals’ Making Tax Digital Tracker.
First shared in Practicewire in April 2024
Tax Litigation Handbook update
Some new content has been added to the Bloomsbury Professional online resource.
The Tax Litigation Handbook, authored by a specialist team at Pump Court Tax Chambers. They aim to share some of their knowledge and practical experience in relation to the procedures for engaging in tax enquiries, investigations and the main types of tax litigation, not only before the Tax Tribunals, but also judicial review, professional negligence, High Court applications, and enforcement and insolvency litigation.
First shared in Practicewire in March 2024
Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) options
Finance (No 2) Bill 2023 contained a provision which extends the time limit for companies to notify HMRC of a grant of EMI options. The aim is to support small and medium sized companies to recruit and retain staff by simplifying the process to grant EMI options.
This will apply from 6 April 2024 and is covered in the recent update to Bloomsbury Professional’s Employee Share Schemes commentary (Chapter 8: Enterprise Management Incentives).
First shared in Practicewire in March 2024
Profit and loss calculations
A reminder that following a transitional year, the way in which the profit and loss of a business is calculated for income tax purposes changes from the current year basis to the tax year basis from 6 April 2024 for sole traders, partners in trading partnerships, other incorporated entities with trading income and non-resident companies with trading income charged to Income Tax.
A summary of the news rules, with examples, can be found in the Bloomsbury Professional A-Z of Business Tax Deductions, section 5.7
First shared in Practicewire in February 2024
Tax treatment of goodwill
When a company acquires a business under a sale agreement, the goodwill will normally be treated as having been acquired on the date of the contract. However, it is possible for there to be a different acquisition date where there has been a de facto transfer of the business outside of the sale agreement.
The latest update to the Capital Gains Tax Reliefs for SMEs and Entrepreneurs commentary incudes analysis of the decision in 2 Green Smile Ltd v HMRC [2023] UKFTT 15 (TC) which considered this issue.
First shared in Practicewire in January 2024
SDLT non-residential rate claims
HMRC have been challenging a number of claims that the non-residential rates of SDLT apply to the purchase of a dwelling with land, where the taxpayer was claiming that the land acquired was not part of the ‘garden or grounds’ of the dwelling. Bloomsbury Professional’s Stamp Taxes commentary contains a number of case decisions practitioners will do well to consider when preparing a claim.
First shared in Practicewire in November 2023
Leaving employment - tax treatment
The tax treatment of payments received by those leaving employment are often complicated and this needs be borne in mind when appealing any decision to the Tribunal. The latest update to Tax on the Termination of Employment in the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax service includes commentary based on Mrs A v RCC [2022] UKFTT 421 which considered whether a payment for a restrictive undertaking was taxable.
First shared in Practicewire in October 2023
CGT loss claims reminder
The recent Upper Tribunal decision in Cumming-Bruce HMRC [2022] UKUT233 (TCC) was a reminder to practitioners that a claim for a CGT loss needs to be made in the return for the year in which the loss was incurred. The summary was included in last month’s update to Guide to Tax Payers’ Rights and HMRC Powers in the Bloomsbury Tax and Accounting Library.
First shared in Practicewire in September 2023
Domicile of choice
A recent FTT decision summarised in the Bloomsbury Professional Tax Case Summaries Shah v Revenue and Customs [2023] UKFTT 539 (TC) found against the appellant on the question as to whether or not he had abandoned his domicile of choice in England and Wales.
Further guidance on domicile of choice, including further useful case summaries, can be found in in a number of products in the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service, including Personal Tax Planning and Booth and Schwarz on Residence, Domicile and UK Taxation.
First shared in Practicewire in September 2023
Allowable employment expenses
A new addition to the Tax Case Summaries product in the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service is the decision in Nduka v Revenue and Customs [2023] UKFTT 420 (TC), which looked at allowable employment expenses. The Expenses section in our Taxation of Employments product is a useful reference point for practitioners.
First shared in Practicewire in August 2023
Limited Liability Partnerships
The latest update to the Accounts and Audit of Limited Liability Partnerships content on the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service is now live. As well as commentary and worked examples, members may not be aware that this content includes pro forma financial statements for single LLPs and Groups.
First shared in Practicewire in July 2023
Meaning of ‘employment’
The most recent update of Robert Maas’s Taxation of Employments on the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service features analysis of the Court of Appeal Decision on HMRC v Atholl House Productions Ltd [2022] EWCA Civ 501, which advisers should now view as one of the most definitive cases on employment status.
The key points are set out here: Meaning of 'employment', section 4.23-4.24, Taxation of Employments.
First shared in Practicewire in July 2023
CGT - disposal of assets
One of the CGT measures announced in the Finance Bill is aimed at disposal of assets under unconditional contracts in certain cases. Some analysis of this was included in the last update to Bloomsbury Professionals Busy Practitioner content. Related commentary can be found in the Capital Gains Tax Annual.
First shared in Practicewire in June 2023
Self-employed cash basis
At the Spring Budget 2023, one of the consultations launched by HMRC is looking at extending the scope of the self-employed cash basis. One of the latest technical updates in the Bloomsbury Tax and Accounting Service looks at the background to this document and why it has been introduced.
First shared in Practicewire in March 2023
Let property and furnished holiday lettings (FHL) calculations
Do the calculations of profits and losses arising from let property and from furnished holiday lettings (FHL) need to be kept separate when both categories of property are held within the same company? The complexities of this issue are dealt with in the latest technical briefing published in the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service.
First shared in Practicewire in March 2023
Change to the basis periods rules
The transition period for the change to the basis periods rules is almost upon us. Under this change, all profits will be assessed on an actual tax year basis and this will present particular challenges to many farmers whose annual accounts are prepared solely for tax purposes. The Bloomsbury Tax and Accounting Service has useful guidance on this issue in Tax Planning for Farm and Land Diversification.
First shared in Practicewire in March 2023
Tax relief claims - impact of altering acquisition contracts
A recent case decision (Cobalt Data Centre 2 LLP and another v HMRC [2022] EWCA Civ 1422) covered in the recent update to the Corporation Tax annual in the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service, has highlighted that practitioners need to be aware of the impact on tax relief claims when alterations are made to a contract relating to the acquisition of plant and machinery.
First shared in Practicewire in February 2023
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
The Government is keen to encourage Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to provide housing. The tax regime for Real Estate Investment Trusts were relaxed in Finance Act 2022, and these are explained in the most recent update to Robert Maas’s Property Taxes in the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service.
First shared in Practicewire in February 2023
HMRC penalties issues and reasonable excuse
Practitioners representing their clients will be aware that the concept of reasonable excuse can be used to mitigate penalties issues by HMRC for errors or failure to notify.
The Bloomsbury Professional HMRC Investigations Handbook contains extensive guidance and a large number of precedents on this subject.
First shared in Practicewire in December 2022
The existence (and extent) of any goodwill when valuing a business is an issue that commonly occurs when practitioners are valuing businesses. A recent technical update in Busy Practitioner on Shrinking goodwill provides some guidance on this issue.
First shared in Practicewire in October 2022
Business Asset Disposal Relief
The legislation detailing the rules around Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR) for partnerships were highlighted in Christopher Thomson v HMRC [2021] UKFTT 0453 (TC).
The latest update to David Whiscombe’s Partnership Taxation provides a useful summary of this important case.
First shared in Practicewire in September 2022
Furnished holiday accommodation
Repurposing buildings into furnished holiday accommodation is an option many farmers are now considering to fill the ‘subsidy gap’.
The importance of proper tax planning is key in these instances and Julie Butler highlights an important case for advisers to be aware of in the updated Tax Planning for Farm and Land Diversification commentary in the Bloomsbury Professional online library.
First shared in Practicewire in September 2022
Non-resident purchasers - higher rate SDLT
Non-resident purchasers of residential property in England and Northern Ireland are now subject to a higher rate of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT).
The recently updated version of Booth and Schwarz: Residence, Domicile and UK Taxation in the Bloomsbury Professional Tax and Accounting service includes a new section of content outlining the new self-contained statutory test of residence that applies to this tax.
First shared in Practicewire in August 2022
Incorporating businesses
An increased number of users of the Bloomsbury Tax and Accounting Service have been searching for guidance on incorporating businesses in the last month.
One of the many issues highlighted in the recently updated Incorporating and Disincorporating a Business product is the need to check the income tax position arising on cessation of the unincorporated business and to choose a suitable date for incorporation to minimise the effect.
First shared in Practicewire in July 2022
Research and development
The government is continuing to encourage more companies to undertake research and development work as part of growing the economy and tax reliefs are available for businesses in a wide range of sectors.
Maria Kitt’s Research and Development Tax Reliefs product contains some great advice, including which costs can be claimed by SMEs.
First shared in Practicewire in July 2022
Payroll Management
The Payroll Management content is one of the hidden gems in the Bloomsbury Tax and Accounting Service and an invaluable support tool for those advising clients in this area.
Included in the recent extensive update was an extensive update to the NIC section, including details of the new Health and Social Care Levy and the associated rise in NIC rates.
- Access Payroll Management
First shared in Practicewire in June 2022
Consolidated accounts under UK GAAP
New content dealing with the preparation of consolidated accounts under UK GAAP has just been added to the Bloomsbury Professional online library.
Written by Steve Collings, this helps those trained in IFRS to understand the different requirements for group companies reporting under UK GAAP, including the treatment of goodwill arising in a business combination (in Group Accounts under UK GAAP, chapter 5, section 5.32).
- Access Group Accounts under UK GAAP by Steve Collings
First shared in Practicewire in June 2022
Making Tax Digital for VAT
With effect from 1 April 2022 all VAT registered businesses, including those with a turnover below the VAT threshold, are now within the scope of MTD for VAT. It is now less than a year before sole traders will be mandated into Income Tax Self-Assessment for MTD.
Bloomsbury’s Making Tax Digital Tracker allows advisers to stay up to date with requirements by following a question and answer based approach.
First shared in Practicewire in May 2022
IR35 - new case decisions
It is now a little over a year since the revised IR35 legislation came into force on 1 April 2021. In that time a number of new case decisions have merged in this area and the latest update to the Bloomsbury Off-Payroll Tax Handbook have addressed some of these and it is worth practitioners advising in this area to reflect on these.
First shared in Practicewire in May 2022
Job-related accommodation and PPR
One of the more interesting recent cases summarised in Busy Practitioner for the Bloomsbury Tax and Accounting Service highlights the rules around job-related accommodation, and principal private residence (PPR) amongst other things.
There is some useful guidance on periods of occupation in the Capital Gains Tax annual (chapter 11).
First shared in Practicewire in April 2022
Residence, domicile and the remittance basis
The issue of residence, domicile and the remittance basis has been much discussed across the media in recent days. The Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service has extensive guidance on these issues, including in our Personal Tax Planning product (Chapter 21: Residence).
First shared in Practicewire in April 2022
Accessing the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service
Registered users can go directly to Bloomsbury Professional Online and use the ICAEW link to login.
If you are not registered, individuals in eligible firms can register for access online.
Who is eligible?
All staff and ACA students who work in an ICAEW firm which is part of the Practice Assurance scheme, and/or is regulated, supervised or authorised by ICAEW for one or more of the following:
- Audit
- Probate
- Licensed Practitioner Scheme
- Insolvency
- AML.
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