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Member firm access - scheme benefits

Non-ICAEW members, employed within our member firms, can gain access to our resources.

The scheme provides staff in eligible firms with access to ICAEW and Bloomsbury Professional content to help you perform your role.

While you are at that firm your access includes:

  • Bloomsbury Professional's online library of over 60 tax and accounting titles from leading subject matter experts.
  • ICAEW's Technical Advisory Service telephone helpline.
  • Restricted member-only content from ICAEW, including practice news, legal and regulatory updates, and practice management guidance and helpsheets.

Step 1: Check your eligibility

This scheme is available to all staff and ACA students who work in an ICAEW firm which is part of the Practice Assurance scheme, and/or is regulated, supervised or authorised by ICAEW for one or more of the following;

  • Audit
  • DPB
  • Probate
  • Licensed Practitioner Scheme
  • Insolvency
  • AML

If you would like to discuss your eligibility please call us on +44(0)1908 248 250.

To find out how to become an ICAEW regulated firm see icaew.com/regulations

Step 2: Check user terms and conditions

Step 3: Apply for access

It will only take a couple of minutes. You will need your firm's ICAEW registration number to register.

Apply for access

It only takes a few minutes to complete the simple online validation process. You will need your firm’s ICAEW registration number - please ask one of your Partners for this information.

Register now
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Member firm access - scheme benefits

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Member firm access - scheme benefits

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Member firm access - scheme benefits

Step 3 of 3
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