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The use of subcontractors by practices is widespread and can provide important benefits, particularly to smaller firms, by avoiding the need to enter into long-term, binding relationships.

Subcontracting can provide the firm with access to a flexible additional time resource without the need to resort to a formal recruitment exercise and become involved with the demands of employment law.  In turn, it enables the subcontractor to escape the constraints of full-time employment.

Employing subcontractors

The helpsheet Subcontracting - employing subcontractors covers the circumstances under which you may employ a subcontractor and the responsibilities you have when doing so.

It includes:

  • a useful checklist tool to help you structure your approach to employing subcontractors
  • pro forma information sheets to help you define the parameters of the subcontractor’s role and responsibilities
  • an outline agreement between your firm employing subcontractors and the subcontractor.

Acting as a subcontractor

The helpsheet Subcontracting - acting as a subcontractor provides guidance for the member considering acting as a subcontractor to a firm.

It covers:

  • the circumstances under which you may find yourself working as a subcontractor and the responsibilities you have when doing so
  • a useful checklist tool to help you identify the information you ought to have as a subcontractor to clarify your role, responsibilities and liabilities
  • it provides an outline agreement between you as a subcontractor and the firm employing your services.

For further enquiries please contact the Technical and Ethics Advisory Services on +44 (0)1908 248 250.

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