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Practice support – 11 ways ICAEW and CABA can help you

Practice support services available to ICAEW members and member firms.

The following services are available to members and member firms.

1. Practicewire

Practicewire is a free eNewsletter available to members and discusses relevant topical practice matters.

2. Tax Faculty news

The Tax Faculty produces regular news updates which is free to all members (including non-members of the faculty).

3. TAS

ICAEW Technical Advisory Service (TAS) is staffed by members of ICAEW who are able to help you with technical and ethical queries. They also produce a wide range of helpsheets to assist you with technical questions. They are available during office hours on 01908 248 250.

4. ICAEW website

The ICAEW website provides a host of valuable information on technical, ethical and practice-related matters.

5. ICAEW Library services

ICAEW’s Library & Information service is a tremendously valuable tool and is available to members.

6. Helpsheets

ICAEW provides a considerable number of helpsheets which are updated frequently. These cover technicalethicalpractice and other areas. There are also helpsheets available within the Communities (see below).

 7. Faculties

ICAEW provides a number of Faculties. Membership is available (although may be chargeable). The Faculties are:

 8. Communities

ICAEW also provides a number of Communities where membership is available, subject to varying charges for different Communities.

9. Support members

ICAEW has support members who are able to provide a confidential support service for members. They are exempt from the duty to report misconduct and can provide valuable assistance in times of difficulty.

10. ICAEW benefits

ICAEW has linked with various other parties to offer members preferential rates and offers for you and your business.

11. CABA

The Chartered Accountants Benevolent Association (CABA) is independent from ICAEW. It exists to provide practical advice and support to current and former members and their families in time of need.

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