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What is an alternate?

An alternate is the suitably qualified individual or firm appointed by a sole principal (sole practitioner or sole director of a corporate practice) to continue the running of their practice in the event of their death or incapacity.

By ensuring that you have an alternate agreement in place, and providing your immediate family and senior staff with access to the agreement with your alternate, you will help avoid uncertainties that could create further concern and distress at a difficult time.

There is no requirement to inform the ICAEW of your alternate arrangements unless you are a sole practitioner holding clients’ money.

Sole practitioners holding clients’ money

Regulation 31 of the Clients’ Money regulations requires any sole practitioner who holds clients’ money to notify ICAEW of their alternate arrangements. You can do this using this notification form.

Finding an alternate

If you have difficulty in finding a suitable alternate, please contact Advisory Services on +44 (0)1908 248 250 or contact your local District Society.

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