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Supporting your clients

A strong client relationship is vital to the success of any accounting practice. In this section we have resources about how to develop client relationships, best practices for making referrals and options for providing services to both businesses and individuals.

In this section

Engagement letters

An engagement letter protects the firm by provide a record of the contract between your firm and the client, and minimises the risk of any future misunderstandings between the parties.

Complaints process

Find out how to make a complaint, how we handle complaints, duty to report misconduct and the support available if you are the subject of a complaint.

Advisory services

Key sources of help available for members in practice from ICAEW and other organisations.

Model documents

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides example sample documents and other resources, including engagement letters and model accounts.

Personal Financial Planning Community

Personal Financial Planning (PFP) is an area in which ICAEW Chartered Accountants are able to use their skills and experience and trusted relationships to deliver complementary services and work with other professionals to help clients and their families manage their personal finances. This increasingly important area of professional advice typically involves aspects of lifetime cash-flow modelling, investments, pensions and retirement planning, tax and estate planning, probate and personal insurances.

Probate services

ICAEW is an approved regulator and licensing authority for probate services. This enables us to accredit firms to offer probate services to their clients. Here we explain the benefits of accreditation and the application process, provide support for accredited firms and also information for consumers including a register of ICAEW accredited for probate firms.

Support for insolvency practitioners

Practical guidance for insolvency practitioners, including the latest information on SIPs, helpsheets, and sector news, as well as support on how to market your practice.

Designated Professional Body (Investment Business) licence

Find out how you can enhance the services you already offer your clients with a Designated Professional Body (Investment Business) licence. This section explains what regulated investment business is, who is regulated, and how your firm can apply for a DPB (Investment Business) licence.

UK company law

Resources include relevant ICAEW technical releases, such as guidance on dividends and distributable profits, and updates on key developments in regulation, prospective legislation and related matters of professional concern to accountants in practice, industry or commerce.

Ethics and referrals

Regulations regarding referrals and commissions taken from ICAEW's Code of Conduct, Part B: Professional accountants in public practice.

Public money for the public good

The role of professional accountants is fundamentally about creating trust. Trust that numbers are correctly stated and that a true and fair account has been produced, showing what money has been raised and how that money has been used.