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Public sector

Many ICAEW members work in or with the public sector to deliver public priorities and strong public finances. ICAEW acts in the public interest to support strong financial leadership and better financial management across the public sector – featuring transparency, accountability, governance and ethics – to ensure that public money is spent wisely and that public finances are sustainable.

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Technical round-up: June 2024

This month’s top stories include an explainer on the basis period reform, a summary of the key tax policies from the main parties’ general election 2024 manifestos; and HMRC reminds taxpayers about roll-over relief claims.

Election explainers: what is the public balance sheet?

In the run up to the general election politicians and journalists will often talk about the 'public balance sheet', but what is it and what does it mean for people and businesses? ICAEW experts offer this simple guide on the public balance sheet – the government’s assets and liabilities – why they matter and the future outlook.