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Public sector financial and non-financial reporting

We highlight the vital role public sector reporting plays in strengthening financial controls, improving evidence-based decision making and bringing transparency to the public about how taxpayers’ money is spent.

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What does going concern in the public sector really mean?

Many consider the going concern assumption in the public sector “meaningless”, so could resilience statements provide a better way of assessing whether public bodies are financially viable?
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Setting a new direction for local authority accounts

The Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee has delivered a landmark report that will transform local authority financial statements, says ICAEW’s Alison Ring.

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Summary of IPSASB March 2024 meeting

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) held their first meeting of the year in New York with a number of interesting projects to report back on, including sustainability reporting and presentation of financial statements.

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The case for a local government simplified statement

Sir Tony Redmond first recommended the idea of a simplified statement two years ago in his government-commissioned independent review. He explains why the concept is as valid now as it was then.

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Why politicians should pay attention to government financial reports

Following last week’s Autumn Statement, Dr Elaine Stewart, a Lecturer in Accounting at Queen’s University, argues that politicians should use accounting data to inform policymaking and to explain how public money has been spent.

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The future of public sector operational property valuation methods

With an HM Treasury review into the valuation of operational assets due to be published imminently, potential changes could have a significant impact on public sector accounts preparers and auditors.

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Financial and non-financial reporting in the health sector

Legislative delays, new statutory bodies and the introduction of IFRS 16 are all adding to the challenges facing health sector finance teams.

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ICAEW publishes its vision for local audit

In response to the crisis in financial reporting and audit in local authorities in England, ICAEW argues that urgent action is needed to bring confidence to the finances of local public bodies.

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SDG reporting in the public sector: the future

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a historic global agreement agreed by world leaders at the United Nations in 2015. Seven years on, reporting on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) remains a work in progress.

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IPSAS vs IFRS - what is the most suitable accounting framework for the public sector?

The adoption of accrual accounting by governments is gathering momentum. If a government were to adopt accrual accounting now, is the adoption of IPSAS the most sensible option?
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Service performance reporting in the public sector

In New Zealand, a shift away from the terminology of inputs, outputs and outcomes to allow public sector organisations to choose how to tell their service performance stories is boosting accountability.
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Group discussion