The Business Finance Guide
Managing your cash flow
Economic uncertainty impacts cash flow. Read more about how to manage cash flow effectively in your business.
Business life cycle
Business start-up
- Hub page
Are you thinking of starting out on your own? Use our selection of books, articles and guides to find more information on all aspects of starting a business.
Why write a business plan?
- Report
- PDF (469kb)
A business plan is essentially the route map that helps you establish a viable new business. It will also be essential if you need to raise finance for your business.
Succession planning
- Hub page
Advice on exit strategies and preparing your business for long-term success.
caba resources on supporting your employees
- Website
Advice and support from caba for business owners on creating productive working environments, including webinars and personal and professional development courses.
- Hub page
Clarify and understand your objectives. Use our selection of articles, books and links to find more information on all aspects of business planning.
Law and regulation
Balance sheet statements for small companies and LLPs
- Helpsheets and support
Technical helpsheet to help ICAEW members to understand the balance sheet statements required where small companies and LLPs take advantage of the small companies or LLPs regime in the preparation of their accounts and when taking advantage of audit exemption.
Small and micro company size calculator
- Helpsheets and support
Technical helpsheet to assist ICAEW members in determining whether a company meets the small or micro entity thresholds under the Companies Act 2006.
Is a company micro?
- Helpsheets and support
- PDF (147kb)
Technical helpsheet to help members understand when a company qualifies as a micro entity under the Companies Act 2006.
caba legal advice
- Website
ICAEW members based in England and Wales have access to a free legal helpline, provided by caba.
Fraud Issues for members in business
- Helpsheets and support
Technical helpsheet issued to help ICAEW business members to navigate some of the issues that may arise if they discover fraud within their organisation.
Brand and marketing
Marketing and brand building
- Hub page
Articles and guidance on marketing techniques, digital marketing, social media and the power of brand building, whether for your business or yourself.
Five social media mistakes your business should avoid
- Article
8 January 2020: social media can be a phenomenal marketing tool for your organisation. But getting it wrong could mean a waste of time, or worse. Accountant and social media adviser Mark Lee highlights five common blunders your business should be avoiding, and what to do instead.
Human resources
Human resources and employment law
- Hub page
Access articles, books and online resources on human resources and employment law.
Hybrid working and the future of work
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What opportunities and challenges will come with moving to a more digital workplace?
Taking remote working into account
- Listing
With remote working set to continue as the pandemic transforms traditional working life, ICAEW’s five-part series underlines first-hand experiences of this shift and how it affects chartered accountants and their businesses.
Businesses need meaningful benefits to battle mental health emergency
- Article
11 February 2021: In 2019/20, stress, depression and anxiety accounted for 51% of work-related ill health cases, according to new HSE research. To tackle this rising tide, businesses are turning to wellbeing strategies and resources for help.
Measuring employee productivity at home
- Article
How do you keep an eye on employees when they are working at home?
Mental health and wellbeing
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There is now a far greater understanding that we should look after our mental health with the same care as our physical health. Discover ICAEW's and caba's resources for maintaining your mental health..
- Hub page
Dealing with redundancy can be difficult and complex. On this page you can find ICAEW insights alongside eBooks, articles and online resources providing practical guidance and best practice.
Find your next role or attract top finance talent into your small or growing business.
Economy and the business environment
Re-emergence guide
- Website
The Re-emergence guide considers small business resilience and strategies for business recovery.
Small Business Commissioner
- Website
The Small Business Commissioner (SBC) provides advice to small businesses in dealing with disputes around late or unfair payment issues.
ICAEW Business Confidence Monitor
- Hub page
Quarterly reports on the economy which provide useful insight for finance professionals and their clients.
Twenty spreadsheet principles
- Helpsheets and support
Twenty principles for good spreadsheet practice aims to reduce spreadsheet errors and wasted time.
Excel Tip of the Week Live: your questions answered (no 5)
- Webinar
In the latest instalment of the “Tip of the Week Live” series, series author David Lyford-Smith tackles your Excel questions, quandaries, and more.
Excel Tip of the Week Live: your questions answered (no 4)
- Webinar
In the latest instalment of the “Tip of the Week Live” series, series author David Lyford-Smith tackles your Excel questions, quandaries, and more.
Practical help for SMEs on cybersecurity
- Article
While cybersecurity has been high on many organisations' agendas in recent years, the pandemic has heightened anxiety levels in SMEs, particularly around cyber-attacks.
Cyber security
- Hub page
Cybercrime and threats to computer systems have become a major concern of businesses around the world. This resource centre provides a focal point for ICAEW members looking for support in managing cyber risks.
Six top tips for developing cyber resilience strategies
- Article
The UK government has allocated £1.9bn to its National Cyber Security Strategy programme, but businesses still need to protect themselves from cyber risk, writes Joe McGrath.
General support
TAS helpsheets
- Hub page
ICAEW’s Technical Advisory Services helpsheets reflect the practical guidance provided to our members every day on the helplines and highlight important issues for members.
Access practical technical and ethical guidance, as well as frequently asked questions, to support you day to day, whether you are a member in practice or in business.
Finding finance options
Business Finance Guide
This independent guide provides entrepreneurs, SMEs and growing businesses with information on the finance options that are available to them throughout their business finance journey.
Find out more Identify finance optionsTrusted business advice
ICAEW Business Advice Service
The Business Advice Service connects owners of SMEs with ICAEW regulated firms who will provide a free initial consultation, without obligation.
Find a BAS firm or Chartered AccountantInsights special
Access to finance: supporting small businesses
ICAEW Insights examines the finance options and support available to small and growing UK companies, and the entrepreneurs behind them.
Read more