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Is Climate Change a Board issue?

Author: Sustainability

Published: 19 Nov 2019

Given the far-reaching impact and implications, of climate change there is a need for boards to better understand how it is likely to affect their organisations and sectors so they can make better informed and more strategic decisions. However in a recent survey of ICAEW’s UK business members (Jun/July 2019), only 37% were aware of the World Economic Forum’s Climate Governance Principles and only 15% were aware of the FSB’s Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures. How ready is your board to talk about climate change?

Chapter Zero

ICAEW is proud to support Chapter Zero, a network of company chairs, committee chairs and non-executive directors, committed to developing their knowledge of the implications of climate change for UK business. Given the far-reaching impact and implications, their purpose is to enable these directors to understand better how it is likely to affect their companies and sectors, and to encourage their boards to hold informed and strategic discussions and respond effectively to the climate change challenge.

The name of the network, Chapter Zero, reflects the drive towards a net zero carbon economy and the major role business will play in achieving it.


Article: 5 questions every director should be asking their board about climate risk

Do you have the knowledge and networks you need to ensure your organisation is ready to tackle climate risk?

ICAEW’s Corporate Governance Community recently ran a round table for executive and non-executive directors to explore the key areas that board members must address in order to respond to climate change. The event included presentations from ICAEW’s Sustainability Team, Chapter Zero and the Community’s sponsor Baker McKenzie.

On-demand webinar: Is Climate on Board? (Recorded 11 November 2019)

In this 40-minute webinar you will gain an increased understanding of how climate change is an issue for boards and what to do about it. Aimed at Board Chairs, Committee Chairs and Non-Executive Directors this webinar focusses on how they can increase their knowledge of the implications of climate change for UK business.

Listen to Julie Baddeley, Chair Steering Group, Chapter Zero in conversation with Andrew Ratcliffe, Past President and Chair of ICAEW’s Sustainability Committee.

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World Economic Forum guidance on climate governance

The World Economic Forum (“WEF”) published guidance for boards on how to establish climate governance at its 2019 annual meeting in Davos.

Chapter Zero Toolkit for Directors

Chapter Zero provide events, tools, webinars, helpful reports and other knowledge capital, and a forum where directors can share experiences with each other and experts.

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