More and more countries are now legislating for commercial organisations to report on what they are doing to combat slavery. In the UK some organisations must now prepare annually the Section 54 ‘Transparency in Supply Chains’ Statement (sometimes called a Modern Slavery Statement) which sets out the steps they have taken to address the risk of modern slavery their supply chains. But how do you spot modern slavery in your supply chains?
Red flags: Spotting the signs of modern slavery in a business or organisation
10 questions to ask
Do you know the signs of modern slavery in your supply chains or business? Here are 10 questions you should ask to probe supply chains and business activities for the ‘red flags’ that may indicate modern slavery and human trafficking are present or could be present.
How to spot victims of modern slavery
A brief guide on how to recognise whether an individual is a victim of modern slavery or human trafficking.
How to report modern slavery
A guide to the various ways you should report suspicions of modern slavery in your own organisation or your client’s business and what you should do if you suspect someone is a victim of modern slavery.
Webinar: How to spot modern slavery
An outline of the ‘red flags ‘ that may indicate modern slavery in a supply chain or in a business