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TAXline News: April 2020

Frank Haskew, Head of the Tax Faculty, reports on recent developments at the Tax Faculty during April 2020.

On 11 March 2020, the new Chancellor finally held the first UK Budget since Autumn 2018. The Tax Faculty team produced the usual detailed report on the main measures, published as TAXguide 06/20. We held a Budget webinar on 13 March, which was presented by Anita Monteith, Caroline Miskin and me. If you missed it, you can always watch it again by following the links to the Tax Faculty’s webinar page, where you can find a complete listing of our webinars for this and previous years.

The Finance Bill is expected to be published on 19 March 2020 and will include all the measures for which draft legislation was published in July 2019, together with details of Budget measures and other changes, for example the voluntary restitution provisions arising as a result of the changes to the loan charge, which were published on 27 February 2020. As always, we welcome comments on the Bill when it is published. We are also expecting the call for evidence for the Tax Advice Market to also be published on 19 March 2020.

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