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Book review: Slevin’s Guide to Entrepreneurs’ Relief

Sue Moore reviews Slevin’s Guide to Entrepreneurs’ Relief, issue 11, by Kevin Slevin – a taxation specialist. She describes it as a thorough exploration of the complex and ever-evolving relief.

BookKevin Slevin, a taxation specialist and former consultant, has published several books and guides on entrepreneurs’ relief (ER) and its predecessors – retirement relief and taper relief – so has a good pedigree.

His taper relief tax digest – published for members of ICAEW – was my ‘bible’ when taper relief was introduced to replace retirement relief, and the 11th issue of Slevin’s Guide to Entrepreneurs’ Relief: A Guide for Accountants, Solicitors and Other Tax Advisors (Slevin Associates, July 2019) is likely to find a prime place in my office as well.

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