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TAXline: May 2020

In this issue, Andrew Cockman explores the first reported home loan scheme case, Sue Moore looks at the key Budget changes affecting private clients, Lindsey Wicks summarises the contents of Finance Bill 2020 and Angela Clegg examines the call for evidence on raising standards in the tax advice market.

Cover story: What lessons can be learned from the first home loan scheme case?
Andrew Cockman explores the first reported home loan scheme case.

Our cover story is freely available. To access the features below and more exclusive content join the Tax Faculty.

The challenges of agent authorisation
Caroline Miskin asks an important question: how do we solve the problem of agent authorisation?

The key changes for private clients in the Spring Budget
Sue Moore looks at the key Budget changes affecting private clients, including capital gains tax.

Breaking down Finance Bill 2020
Lindsey Wicks summarises the contents of Finance Bill 2020, which covers loan charges, pensions and chargeable gains.

How ICAEW is helping members tackle COVID-19
ICAEW is providing practical advice and support for members and their clients.

Raising standards in the tax advice market
Angela Clegg examines the call for evidence on raising standards in the tax advice market.

In this issue, Andrew Cockman explores the first reported home loan scheme case and Sue Moore looks at the key Budget changes.

Read more

Our cover stories each month are freely accessible, but to read more from Taxline you need to join the Tax Faculty.

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  Practical points Topic
094 COVID-19 support General
095 Deadline for reverse charge sales list returns
Tax administration
096 Don’t lose sight of the marriage allowance Personal taxes
097 HMRC to stop issuing paper self assessment tax returns automatically
Personal taxes
098  Court of Appeal upholds pension unauthorised payment charge
Personal taxes
099 Pensions equalisation could trigger tax charges
Personal taxes
100 Taxpayer wins on late pension protection claim
Personal taxes
101 Foreign exchange losses allowed by CA
Business taxes
102 Advisory fuel rates
Payroll and employers
103 FTT has no jurisdiction on PAYE credit
Payroll and employers
104 Employer stationery: P60 and P45
Payroll and employers
105 Payroll company fraud
Payroll and employers
106 Employment allowance
Payroll and employers
107 Official rate of interest
Payroll and employers
108 Professional goodwill
Personal taxes
109 Coronavirus and the silence of the stamps!
Stamp taxes
110 SDLT on corporate acquisitions of residential property
Stamp taxes
111 Paddock found to be part of residential property
Stamp taxes
112 Option to tax disapplication goes round and round
VAT and duties
113 No appoptionment of fund management services
VAT and duties
114 Sale of repossessed hire purchase cars not covered by margin scheme
VAT and duties
115 Smuggled wine still subject to duty
VAT and duties
116 CJU to answer questions on origin of solar panels VAT and duties
117 HMRC loses £83m case on a procedural error
Tax administration
118 Remember to reinstate direct debits for VAT
Tax administration
119 Telebetting business moved to Gibraltar
Tax administration
120 Transfer of assets abroad: UK/Mauritius treaty
Tax administration
121 Avoidance schemes aimed at contractors, agency workers: HMRC guidance
Tax administration


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