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What’s wrong with the UK tax system and how can it be fixed?

Author: ICAEW

Published: 03 Nov 2023

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Dan Niedle Tax Policy Associates ICAEW Tax Faculty Hardman Lecture

Dan Neidle, founder of Tax Policy Associates, takes a deep dive into the worst features of the UK tax system as he delivers the Tax Faculty’s Hardman Lecture on 22 November.

What features of the tax system hold back UK growth? How do we reduce tax complexity? Is the tax system fair in how it deals with the richest and poorest in society? Is there a better way to tackle tax avoidance and improve the perception of tax?

Dan Neidle is fast establishing a name for himself as a fearless tax campaigner, helping to shine a light on many of the worst features of the UK tax system and how they might be fixed. He spent almost 25 years as a tax lawyer and was head of tax at the London office of Clifford Chance, one of the largest law firms in the world. Neidle retired in 2022 to form Tax Policy Associates, a not-for-profit company, with the aim of improving tax policy and the public understanding of tax.

Neidle is now bringing the depth of his experience and specialist expertise to improving tax policy and helping to shape and inform the debate around tax. In his new role as a tireless tax campaigner, his work has already brought him wider recognition: he was listed by The Lawyer as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in the UK, and his work with Tax Policy Associates won the Tolley’s Award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Taxation in 2022-23 by an Individual’.

What would Neidle change to improve growth and fairness? How would he tackle complexity and improve the public’s perception of the UK tax system? Find out as he delivers this year’s Hardman Lecture, ‘The worst features of the UK tax system and what we can do about them’, on 22 November at Chartered Accountants’ Hall.

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