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MTD for ITSA - back to basics and myth busting

This webinar recording from the Tax Faculty covers the regulations in detail explains where we are with the development of the policy and the pilot and what taxpayers and agents can do to prepare.

Making Tax Digital (MTD) for income tax self assessment (ITSA) is still scheduled to start in April 2024. The one year delay provides more time to prepare for change, but workload planning for the significant shift to in-year reporting needs to happen soon.

ICAEW's Tax Faculty continues to be involved in regular discussions with HMRC about MTD ITSA policy concerns and implementation in practice. In this webinar recording Anita Monteith and Caroline Miskin cover the regulations in detail and explain where we are with the development of the policy and pilot, and what agents and tax payers can do to prepare.

Live broadcast 30 November 2021

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