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Tax Faculty Autumn Budget 2021 Update

The Tax Faculty's essential Autumn Budget 2021 webinar.

The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, will deliver his budget and spending review on 27 October.

With the recent announcement of a new health and social care levy, what else might be on the horizon? Rumour has it that we can expect a technical Budget with no 'significant' tax rises, but what does that mean? The Tax Faculty team of staff and volunteers will be reflecting on the announcements in this essential Budget webinar at 11:00 on Tuesday 2 November 2021. Join us for commentary and discussion, and find out what the Budget could mean for you and your clients. 

If you have any questions arising from the Budget  that you would like us to cover during this webinar, please send them to taxfac@icaew.com and we will endeavour to answer as many as possible. We are happy to start collecting these now, or you may prefer to wait and send them after the Chancellor has spoken on 27 October. 

Live broadcast 02 November 2021

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