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Hardman Lecture 2021: Making Tax Digital - what does it mean for tax professionals?

Author: ICAEW

Published: 02 Feb 2021

Making Tax Digital has been a hot topic for several years now - and the temperature looks set to rise even further as we move towards a digital future.

First broadcast 2 February 2021


Jane was on the panel of our Wyman symposium in November 2020 and her short presentation raised many interesting thoughts, which Jane has agreed to expand upon in her Hardman presentation.

Across the world countries are moving at different rates in their digital journeys and progress varies considerably, both in the speed of development and the types of taxes involved. How does the UK compare, and what can we learn from emerging and best practices around the world?

As she unpacks the digital agendas of tax administrations, Jane will explore emerging issues around technology, data and privacy. And the impact on people cannot be forgotten or underestimated. Finally, Jane will consider the benefits and some of the inevitable challenges that lie ahead. After her presentation there will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions.

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