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Finance Act 2019

The Finance Act 2019 received Royal Assent on 12 February 2019. It was originally introduced to Parliament as Finance (No.3) Bill 2018. On this page you can find guidance, parliamentary papers, representations and other commentary on the Bill's progress into law.

The Finance Act

Finance Act 2019
Full text of the Act as enacted on 12 February 2019.

Explanatory notes
Budget Resolutions and explanatory notes.

The Finance Bill

Revised Finance (No.3) Bill (HL Bill 154)
A revised version of the Bill which included the amendments passed in the House of Commons was published on its introduction to the House of Lords, with the first reading on 9 January 2019.

Finance (No.3) Bill
Text of the Bill as published on 7 November 2018.

Draft provisions for Finance (No.3) Bill
Draft provisions for the Bill, published on 6 July 2018. A set of explanatory notes for the draft provisions was also published.

Finance Bill 2018-19 collection
Collection of supporting documents and information for the Bill, including separate pages for each set of draft clauses organised by category. These pages offer draft text, notes, summaries, and any relevant consultations and responses.

Related briefing papers

2018 Budget & Finance (No.3) Bill 2017-19
House of Commons research briefing paper on the Finance Bill. The briefing includes links to briefing material relating to the clauses selected for debate by the Committee of the Whole House. Published on 24 December 2018.

The Budget and the annual Finance Bill
House of Commons briefing paper which sets out the usual process for a Finance Bill from publication to Royal Assent with an example of how procedural rules can affect the time line. Published on 27 September 2018.

Summary of Finance Bills and Acts issued in 2017-2019

Bill Publication Act Royal Assent Notes
Finance (No.3) Bill 2018 7 November 2018 Finance Act 2019 12 February 2019  
Finance (No.2) Bill 2017-19 1 December 2017 Finance Act 2018 15 March 2018  
Finance Bill 2017-19 8 September 2017 Finance (No.2) Act 2017 16 November 2017
Finance (No.2) Bill 2016-17 20 March 2017 Finance Act 2017 27 April 2017 Truncated, pre-election Bill

ICAEW news and commentary

The Tax Faculty provided regular news and updates on Finance (No.3) Bill 2018. These included: 

Blog posts and articles


Commentary from firms and other external advisers

A special issue of British Tax Review providing in-depth analysis of various aspects of the Act is available online.

In addition, other tax experts have produced analysis of the clauses from the initial release of the draft clauses through to the passage of the bill through Parliament, including:

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