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Cyber Security Awareness

Each year ICAEW marks global Cyber Security Awareness month with dedicated resources addressing the latest issues and how to protect your business.

Cyber security in corporate finance
Corporate Finance

Cyber Security in Corporate Finance

  • Report
Cyber Security in Corporate Finance aims to help organisations manage cyber risk and improve its governance, setting out good practice within the context of a corporate finance transaction.
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You’ve been hacked: should you pay ransomware attackers?

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  • ICAEW Insights
In part two of our short series on what to do if you’ve been hacked, we look at whether you should pay up if you are the victim of a ransomware attack.
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Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023

You’ve been hacked: how to respond in the first 48 hours

  • Article
  • ICAEW Insights
Your response in the first 48 hours after a cyber attack is critical. In the first in a short series, we look at the steps you should take to minimise the damage to your organisation and its reputation.
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Cyber Security Awareness month 2023
Cyber security considerations for using generative ai
Generative AI guide

Cyber security considerations when using generative AI

  • Article
When considering the implementation of generative AI into your organisation, it is important to consider the risks that LLMs present to your organisation’s cyber security.
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Cyber security podcasts

Cyber security, taxing green travel and public finances

  • Podcast
  • ICAEW Insights
On the latest ICAEW Insights podcast episode, we explore the month’s key developments in accountancy.
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Cyber security, taxing green travel and public finances podcast

Protecting SMEs against cyber criminals

  • Podcast
  • ICAEW Insights
In this Insights In Focus episode, we explore why SMEs are tempting targets for cyber criminals, and what can be done to protect smaller firms against attacks.
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Protecting SMEs against cyber criminals

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