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Resources covering data analytics and big data, data handling, data protection and GDPR, and data presentation.

In this section

Cyber security

This resource centre provides a focal point for ICAEW members looking for support in managing cyber risks.

Simple but effective, part 5

In this series we are going to examine some of the capabilities of Excel Tables. We will be concentrating on the practical use of Tables to improve spreadsheet productivity. As part of our journey through the capabilities of Tables, this time we are going to examine some of the options available in the contextual Table Design Ribbon tab.

Top 12 Excel Combinations: 7. OFFSET MATCH

In the latest instalment of his series counting down the "Top 12" of Excel function combinations, Liam Bastick considers OFFSET MATCH.

General Election 2024

General Election 2024 – why the numbers are wrong

Finance in a digital world

Complete the FDW eLearning course

ICAEW is collaborating with Deloitte to ensure its members and students have the knowledge and skills to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the fourth industrial revolution and to meet its challenges head on. Log-in to access exclusive eLearning content.