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Excel Community events

Upcoming events, webinars and training for Excel Community members.

Access to these webinars is exclusively available to you as either an ICAEW member or an Excel Community member. 

Date Title Booking
21 Mar

Is this the end of Pivot Tables?

Book your place
03 Apr

50+ new Excel features from this half decade

Book your place

Join the Excel Community

Do you use Excel in your organisation? Are you using it to its maximum potential? Develop your skills and minimise spreadsheet risk with our Excel resources. Membership is free to ICAEW members. Non-ICAEW members are also welcome to join. 

Find out more Already a member? login here
Excel polaroid

On demand Excel series

Get tips and shortcuts for creating more robust spreadsheets from our on-demand Excel series, as you progress from Basic User to General User and beyond.

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On demand Excel series