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Spreadsheet errors: how to reduce risk

Author: David Lyford-Smith

Published: 09 Nov 2020

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David Lyford-Smith speaks to Wired UK about spreadsheet errors and battling back. With spreadsheet errors featuring in news such as the PHE coronavirus case incident, it's important to know how to reduce spreadsheet risk and improve.

Throughout my career I have worked with spreadsheets, whether as tools for helping me analyse data in audit, for helping control and organise outsourcing services, or while I was Senior Excel Practitioner at BDO – a role in which I helped the organisation to improve its spreadsheet practice, solve problems, and more.

Since joining ICAEW five years ago and taking over the running of the Excel Community (and before that as a volunteer committee member), I have been involved in helping steer ICAEW’s guidance to accountants on how to use Excel and its equivalents safely and effectively – including our landmark Twenty Principles for Good Spreadsheet Practice.

Feature in Wired UK

Recently I spoke to Wired UK about my history with spreadsheet errors and battling back, along with several others from the European Spreadsheet Risk Interest Group, an academic conference on spreadsheet risk. The article talks about my history with spreadsheets, why they keep appearing with a starring role in various public mistakes such as the recent PHE coronavirus case incident, and what we can do to change.

Decreasing your own spreadsheet risk

If you are interested in learning how to use Excel better and decreasing your own spreadsheet risk, then my blogs and webinars join a host of other online resources as part of the Excel Community – check out what we have to offer and join today.

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This article is brought to you by the Excel Community where you can find additional extended articles and webinar recordings on a variety of Excel related topics. In addition to live training events, Excel Community members have access to a full suite of online training modules from Excel with Business.

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