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Excel Community Webinar programme

Improve your Excel knowledge and minimise spreadsheet risk by attending our webinars. We have a programme of CPD webinars that you can join from the comfort of your office.

Verify your CPD

Watching these recordings can count towards your verifiable hours. After watching a webinar fill out this form to receive evidence for your CPD record.

CPD verification form Your CPD record
Find out more about how ICAEW's CPD Regulations are changing after 1 November 2023
Displaying 1-30 of 69 results
Displaying 1-30 of 69 results

Join the Excel Community

Do you use Excel in your organisation? Are you using it to its maximum potential? Develop your skills and minimise spreadsheet risk with our Excel resources. Membership is free to ICAEW members. Non-ICAEW members are also welcome to join. 

Find out more Already a member? login here
Excel polaroid