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Excel Tip of the Week Live: your questions answered (no 5)

Author: Excel Community

Published: 21 Sep 2021

In the latest instalment of the “Tip of the Week Live” series, series author David Lyford-Smith tackles your Excel questions, quandaries, and more. 

The webinar will cover best practice, the use of functions and functionality, application of Excel techniques to accounting scenarios, and anything else you want to know. Get your questions in and tune in to learn some new tips and tricks!  

First broadcast on 21 September 2021

Webinar resources

  • Webinar recording: Unfortunately we have encountered a technical issue that is limiting our access to some on-demand recordings on the Zoom platform. We are currently working with Zoom to establish a resolution but as it stands we do not have a timeframe for this. We apologise for the inconvenience.
  • Webinar workbook
  • More questions answered

Further resources

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