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Hooray for Arrays! The formula revolution that lets Excel take the strain


Published: 06 Jul 2022

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If you don't know what array formulas are, or don't know how to use them, then this webinar will provide the answers.

Gone are the days when Excel formulas can only impact a single cell – welcome to the world of array formulas!

In this webinar, we will explain the basic principles of dynamic arrays, demonstrating how it is now possible to enter a formula in a single cell, and apply that formula to an entire range automatically.

Alongside dynamic arrays are a number of new array functions which automatically spill their output across a range. The webinar will introduce and provide practical examples for the use of functions such as FILTER, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE and SORT and briefly mention upcoming functions such as TEXTSPLIT, H and VSTACK.

If you often find yourself copying and pasting formulas across rows and columns, or need to generate a formula output that may spread across multiple cells, then this webinar will be a must-watch. Even if you were familiar with the ‘CSE’ (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) formulas, the new dynamic array formulas are a significant step-change in how to build robust, good quality spreadsheets.

This webinar is for those who don't know what array formulas are, or how easily some simple array formulas can boost Excel productivity.

First broadcast on 07 July 2022

Webinar resources

  • Webinar recording: Unfortunately we have encountered a technical issue that is limiting our access to some on-demand recordings on the Zoom platform. We are currently working with Zoom to establish a resolution but as it stands we do not have a timeframe for this. We apologise for the inconvenience.
  • Webinar workbook


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