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Power Tools Part 1: Why Power Query can change your life


Published: 08 Mar 2023

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This webinar will look at using Power Query to revolutionise your use of Excel and help make all of your spreadsheets more robust, more automatic and capable of delivering more impact.
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The potential benefits of many Excel features are obvious, but Power Query is often seen as primarily a tool to help with the processing of high volumes of external data. However, Power Query can be a radical alternative to the restrictions of cell-based Excel for dealing with a wide range of Excel tasks and projects that don’t necessarily have to involve external data.

This webinar, from the Data Analytics Community and Excel Community, is the first in a series exploring Microsoft's "Power Tools". It will look at using Power Query to revolutionise your use of Excel and help make all of your spreadsheets more robust, more automatic and capable of delivering more impact.

Some of the areas and examples we will be covering in this webinar to change the way you use Excel include:

  • Easier than legacy Excel – coping with US dates and splitting text, supporting data cleansing processes
  • Better than VBA and macros – automating the journey from data to dashboard
  • More dynamic than dynamic arrays – overcoming the shortcomings of dynamic array formulae
  • Solve the insoluble - dealing with blank columns and ancient history to fix data quality issues
  • Break out of cells – use as many dimensions as you need to automate your cash flow forecasts

First broadcast on 08 March 2023


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