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RPA opportunities in finance

Published: 10 Oct 2018 Reviewed: 06 May 2021 Update History

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The processes that lend themselves to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are those that are manual, repetitive, high volume and low complexity. Within finance functions there are many opportunities, here we highlight some of the processes with most potential, and reveal real-life subjects of RPA pilot programmes.

Any process that is rules based, digital and repetitive has potential for RPA, according to David Wright Consulting, Director at Deloitte.

In a webinar for ICAEW's 2018 Virtual Conference on digital disruption, he argues that the first question to ask when considering implementing RPA is: "Where do you have people doing lower value-add, rules-based and repetitive activities?"

The next thing to consider is where can robots be used to release staff time for more productive, value-add activities. He suggests that opportunities often exist in areas where workarounds have been put into place to deal with two systems, or where the integration between systems has not yet been created.

According to Deloitte areas with most potential for RPA implementation in finance functions are:

Transaction processing
Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Other areas
Cost accounting Statutory reporting Financial management information
Accruals execution Regulatory reporting Customer and product analysis
Transaction processing Journals and adjustments

Project accounting

Accounts payable/receivable Period end closing Execution (governance and control)
Reconciliations Consolidation Maintain user access (systems management and control)
Intercompany matching/recs   Static data management (systems management and control)
Fixed asset accounting   Tax accounting and reporting
    Daily profit and loss calculation

Find out more

If you are currently working with RPA or considering an RPA project and would like to join the conversation please email Rick.Payne@icaew.com.

Finance in a Digital World

Make sure you're ready for the changes that digital technologies are bringing to finance functions and accountancy work. Complete eLearning, watch webinars and read bite-sized summaries on the opportunities and challenges brought by automation, artificial intelligence and big data.

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Get to grips with RPA

In this eLearning module, you'll discover how computer programs that mimic human action are beginning to automate the manual activities that often slow finance down. It covers what RPA is and what it can do; the benefits and how to identify opportunities in your organisation.

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