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AI - what does it mean for the future of accountancy?

Author: Tech Faculty

Published: 24 May 2017

Watch artificial intelligence expert Professor Moshe Vardi discuss the growth of AI and its impact on the accounting profession.
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What is covered?

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is in the headlines every day, reflecting developments in areas as diverse as medicine and gaming. But what does it mean for accountants today and in the future?

Many argue that more intelligent systems will help accountants to provide more insight and move further up the value chain. More data, better predictions and more intelligent automation will enable accountants to deliver more value, focus on forward-looking analysis and provide greater leadership to businesses. Indeed, in a world of big data, these machine learning technologies will be essential to gaining insight from new and vast sources of data.

But there are also many fears that systems will increasingly take over complex decision tasks, leaving little for human accountants to do. While these systems do not replicate human intelligence, increasingly they produce outputs that far exceed the accuracy and consistency of those produced by humans. This is leading to many predictions about the long-term demise of profession such as accountancy.

Join the discussion

Join us to discuss these issues with Professor Moshe Vardi, an expert in AI from Rice University in the US. This interactive live-streamed event will also mark the launch of the IT Faculty's new report on AI and the future of accountancy.

Read the full report

Artificial intelligence and the future of accountancy looks at the rise of artificial intelligence, its impact on the accountancy profession and how it can be utilised by accountants.


If you have questions or comments, please send them to techfac@icaew.com or tweet them to @icaew_tech or #icaewai

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