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Chartech: March/April 2018

In this issue, ensuring compliance with GDPR, how we can get the best of both artificial intelligence and actual intelligence, ICAEW chatbot, recent Office updates, and how the so-called Big Four in tech have been using AI to further their ambitions in different ways.

Cover story: How is artificial intelligence changing business and practice?
What does the rapidly developing area of artificial intelligence hold in store for the accountant in business or practice? A range of professionals give their sense of how things look on the ground.

Our cover story is freely available. ICAEW Members can access the articles below.

Byte size
Including Microsoft no longer supporting Windows 8.1 and 7, the growth of machine-to-machine connections, Google Chrome’s take on HTTPS encryption, Gartner’s survey on data and analytics, as well as Openreach and its superfast broadband and Fujitsu’s Timeline 2030.

Keeping up to date on Microsoft Office 2016 and Excel
Excel guru Simon Hurst looks at recent updates to Microsoft Office 2016 and Excel in particular, detailing the introduction of Office 365.

Getting ready for General Data Protection Regulation
Ensuring compliance with General Data Protection Regulation is the perfect opportunity to clean up your business’s practices around handling data..

Making the most of artificial intelligence
The Economist Group’s Vicki Gavin explains why artificial intelligence can never replace actual intelligence, plus how we can make the most of AI using detailed analysis.

ICAEW creates a chatbot
Amid artificial intelligence’s increasing popularity, ICAEW experimented by creating its own chatbot.

How are the Big Four in tech using artificial intelligence?
The so-called Big Four in tech – Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple – have been using artificial intelligence to further their ambitions in different ways.

How businesses can become GDPR-ready
As the 25 May compliance deadline approaches, Lesley Meall looks at what businesses are doing to ready themselves for the implementation of General Data Protection Regulation, including business benefits, international implications and important ICAEW resources.

Exploring CPU flaws Meltdown and Spectre
Almost every central processing unit is under threat from two flaws – Meltdown and Spectre. Leo Waldock explains what are they and why they are so dangerous, including tips for keeping them at bay.

Chartech March/April 2018

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