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Chartech: November/December 2018

In this issue, the NCSC's second annual review, Jessica Pillow's lesson in security, market opportunities in untangling data, the IT Faculty's key work around the world, Word templates for letters, and the launch of the Excel Community's new financial modelling code.

Cover story: Ensuring cyber resilience
As cyber security risks continue to expand and evolve at an increasing pace, so cyber resilience becomes critical to an organisation’s ability to operate.

Our cover story is freely available. ICAEW Members can access the articles below.

Byte Size: Tech News Roundup
A roundup of the latest news surrounding technology. This edition includes a report on social media, the National Cyber Security Centre’s annual review, Google+ for consumers and artificial intelligence projects in digital commerce. 

Excel tips: revisiting word letter templates
Excel expert Simon Hurst revisits Word templates for letters and explains how formatting can be used.

Fintech innovation in London and Singapore
As fintech grows in popularity, so does the ambition of countries wanting to grow the sector.

ICAEW’s global network
ICAEW provides support and resources for members overseas. Kirstin Gillon and David Lyford-Smith look at the key work of the IT Faculty abroad, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, cyber, data and fintech.

Data protection gone wrong
What happens when data protection goes completely wrong? Leo Waldock answers this question by detailing how things went wrong for NCIX.

The Excel Community’s new financial modelling code
The Excel Community has created a new code – an application of the tenets of best practice and the Twenty principles for good spreadsheet practice to financial modelling construction.

How not to fall prey to a cyber attack
Pillow May chartered accountant fell prey to the actions of a hacker over the summer. Jessica Pillow, managing director, explains how to avoid the same fate.

Untangling your data
Derek Blair of Pinkham Blair explores the ample market opportunities to be found in helping businesses untangle their data.

Playing Santa: Christmas gift guide 2018
A guide to a few tech gifts suitable for all the family.

Chartech November/December 2018

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ICAEW Members can download a PDF of the entire November/December 2018 edition of Chartech.

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