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Chartech: November/December 2019

Topical technology issues from around the world; Neil Christie looks at the issues that can come from using cloud technology; Kirstin Gillon reports from the Tech Faculty's 2019 lecture on ethics and accountability; the world of financial modelling championships; and data analyst expressions with Simon Hurst.

Cover story: Clearing the fog of cloud security
George Quigley takes a look at the murky topic of cloud security, including what you need to understand about cloud service providers and your responsibilities when using one.

Our cover story is freely available. ICAEW Members can access the articles below.

Byte size: tech news roundup
A roundup of the latest news surrounding technology. This edition includes an inventive way of giving someone back their wallet, the rollout of WiFi 6 continues, London getting a new landline telephone dialing code, and the barcode turning 40.

The growing pains of Making Tax Digital for VAT
Thoughts on the adoption of MTD for VAT – from Jessica Pillow’s perspective as a practice leader and an overall practice view.

Managing lack of transparency and oversight with the cloud
Cloud technology holds a lot of promise, but a lack of transparency and oversight could lead to problems. Neil Christie explains how to avoid these issues.

What should be future-proofed for careers and firms?
Richard Anning looks at what skills need to be future-proofed for careers and firms, using statistics from the most recent Mid-Market Tech Forum.

Ethics and new technology
The 2019 Tech Faculty lecture marked the launch of the faculty’s thought leadership report on new technologies, ethics and accountability. Kirstin Gillon reports on a thought-provoking evening.

What's changed about the financial modelling world championships?
There are some changes to the financial modelling world championships, David Lyford-Smith explains.

Better connectivity means better results
Despite reluctance among some firms to adopt new technology, investing in software and applications is making accounting operations more efficient and improving client relationships, writers Rich McEachran.

Time and relative dimension in summary: Part 3 - time travel
In the third part of this series, Simon Hurst continues to break down how data analysis expressions work.

Seeking permission with Android 10
With the new Android 10 operating system, you can take back control of your apps, says Leo Waldock.

Chartech November/December 2019

Chartech November/December 2019

ICAEW Members can download a PDF of the entire November/December 2019 edition of Chartech.

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